Text File
Advanced engine needed : ZDoom / ZDoom-derived eg GZDoom
Primary purpose : IWAD Combining Tool
Title : WadSmoosh
Filename : wadsmush.zip
Release date : 2016-08-11
Author : JP LeBreton
Email Address : [redacted]
Other Files By Author : oakridge.wad, arcadia.wad, jphouse.wad
Description : A tool for combining all official id release
WADs into a single PK3 file playable with ZDoom
and its derivatives. Drop your WADs into the
source_wads\ subfolder, then run wadsmoosh.exe.
A new IWAD file called "doom_complete.pk3" will
be generated.
Linux and macOS users can run from included
source with "python wadsmoosh.py".
Program logs to wadsmoosh.log as it runs, any
errors it encounters will show up there.
Additional Credits to : ZDoom forums folks for help testing and fixing!
* What is included *
New levels : None
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : Yes (title art)
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : Yes (custom data files)
Other files required : Any official id release WADs:
- Doom / Ultimate Doom
- Doom 2
- Master Levels for Doom 2
- No Rest for the Living (aka NERVE.WAD)
- Final Doom (TNT and Plutonia)
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : One weekend + a few hours here and there to bugfix
Editor(s) used : OMGIFOL, the excellent Python-based lump management
library. Playscii for the custom ENDOOM.
Known Bugs : Nope
May Not Run With : Any non-ZDoom-derived source port
Tested With : ZDoom and GZDoom in Windows, macOS, and Arch Linux
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text
file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any
electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include
this file intact. I have received permission from the original
authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow
further distribution.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: https://bitbucket.org/JPLeBreton/wadsmoosh