Text File
Title : Fucking Hexen
Filename : FH.wad
Advanced engine needed : Something what is not Chocolate/Vanilla
Primary purpose : Single (ha ha! You die alone!)
Author : Matthias (enkeli33)
From : Czech Fucking Republic
Web site : https://liquiddoom.net/
Email Address : enkeli33@gmail.com
Other Files By Author : Zones of Fear and the Quake Contest or how it's called...
Description :
Fucking HeXen is a fucking megawad with new six fucking 90s-style maps. The whole hub was made as "Hexen in Hexen format" in Doomb Builder 2. Recommended engines: Zdoom, Zandronum (or Skulltag) or Gzdoom. The others was never tested. Also I'd like to recommend to set Gamma Correction to 1 and Brightness to 0.0, otherwise the game will be too way dark or too way bright (but it depends also on your monitor and if you use software or hardware renderer in the game).
Additional Credits to :
Creators of Doom Engine (ID Software) and HeXen (Raven Software), people on https://liquiddoom.net/, creators of Doom Builder 2 and Slade 3. Microsoft for Windows... And my boyfriend for the wonderful blowjob!!
New levels : 6
Sounds : Nah
Music : Stolem from Super Castlevania IV
Graphics : I raped the TITLEPIC with pointless profanity
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes, some data edited inside wad
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : hexen.wad, your mum
* Play Information *
Game : HeXen: Beyond Heretic
Map # : Maps 01 to 06
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (but not tested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (but not tested)
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : Sort of
Port : It works even in the original HeXen, but some scripts don't work and the game crashes, so use something else, pls.
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Playtesters : Enkeli33, Damned, Leebigh, your mum
Known Bugs : The whole megawad is a bug
Unknown Bugs : Well, they are unknown, so I don't know.
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2 and Slade 3 and MS Paint
Tested With : ZDoom, Zandronum, GZdoom, your mum
May Not Run With... : Original Hexen (crashes often) and Doomsday (never been tested)
* Music *
Music is from Super Castlevania IV for SNES made by Konami
Map 01 - Fucking Woods - Castlevania: Stage 2 - Forest Graveyard (first part)
Map 02 - Fucking Fire Temple - Castlevania: Stage 8 - Dungeons
Map 03 - Fucking Ice Temple - Castlevania: Stage 3 - Caverns (second part)
Map 04 - Fucking Caves - Castlevania: Stage 3 - Caverns (first part)
Map 05 - A shitload of Enemies - Castlevania: Stage 6 - Main Hall (Chandeliers)
Map 06 - Korax The Rapist - Castlevania: Stage B - Castle Keep (third part)
Awesome game by the way!
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) and you can do whatever you want. I don't care.