Text File
Advanced engine needed : None
Primary purpose : Single play
Title : Jupiter Carnage 3!
Filename : JUPCARN3.WAD
Release date : 24th November 2016
Author : Bzzrak Ktazzz
Email Address : [redacted]
Other Files By Author : WNIEPOOH.WAD -- reviewed by Aquarius199, heh
STHAWFUL.WAD -- something awful
HELPOUT.WAD -- almost tolerable
STHAWFU2.WAD -- something awfuler
JUPCARNA.WAD -- short & bad, techbase
JUPCARN2.WAD -- nice, hellish
FUZZ2016.WAD -- DM level from 1996
TGUY2016.WAD -- repackaged WAD from 1994
Misc. Author Info : The MI6 agent who arranged Donald Trump's
Did you really think he could win on his own?
Description : -- achtung! the map replaces E4M3! --
Doomguy busted the Hell armada's ass again, right?
Didn't he? Oh hell yes he did! But, as he
was busting its ass, the nefarious hellspawn
decided to take over a base on the Moon, owned
by Our Hero's friend from high school.
To make things worse, the base was working
on research of an experimental acid, made
for military purposes, so now there should
be nukage all over the place. Hooray.
The Doomguy says, exiting Hell to his clear and
sterile Jupiter station: "Friends will be friends
'till the end". And so, carrying only his
trusty pistol, Doomguy hops on a ship, entering
"MOON" to its GPS.
Mission: DEMONstr8 the powers of friendship to
the ugly demons, get to your friend's secret bunker.
Are you man enough?
Yep, we've gone faaaaar from Jupiter, but no one
cares. If you want a plot, go to a library dammit!
Now, about the map itself:
It is kinda inspired by Vrack 1 and 2. Much more
simple in design, though. The map is quite tough,
but with very few slaughter moments.
The "hordes" are 25 Imps tops. Actually...
Also, there is a "sewers" section, inspired by
the bonus level of1 XBox Doom (E1M10: Sewers).
For the folks who care -- 12750 sidedefs.
A walkthrough demo is provided in the WAD,
so don't complain about getting lost.
Oh, and if you actually play thru this, just
leave a comment wherever you got it, it'll
really mean me a lot :] Please?
Or, if you're some sort of WAD reviewer... well
you know what to do. Thanks!
Additional Credits to : the guy who created the official tutorials for
Doom Builder 2 (AlysiumX on Youtube).
id Software for [one of] the best games ever.
Everyone who made the editors I used.
skillsaw for including the sky in aa-tex.
DoomLover234 and illuknisaa for trying to help.
scifista42 for helping with techy stuff.
Memfis for writing some helpful posts in the past.
rdwpa for the same as above, as well as for
some helpful remarks.
darkhog for the tutorial on ENDOOMs in PabloDraw.
Lee Jackson for the awesome music. FASTWAY 4eva :]
uhbooh for the WFALL patches. (in fulltex.zip)
Voros for pointing out a few minor problems.
ChaingunPredator from iddqd.ru for the MAPINFO
The guys who made Selfie Doom.
You for playing my masterpiece.
Thanks guys!
* What is included *
New levels : 2x
Sounds : new palsma rifle sound.
Music : "Goin' Down the Fast Way" and
"Deadly Gentlemen" by Lee Jackson.
(from Rise of the Triad)
Graphics : Yes
Most of the stuff are IWAD edits, except for:
WFALL patches were released by John Romero.
The sky comes from aa-tex.wad and has been
a bit edited by me.
A "green cross" that I found on the 'Net and
adapted for the Doom palette.
TITLEPIC is a screenshot taken using Selfie Doom.
All the edits were done by me.
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No, but there is a MAPINFO.
Can you guess what is it doing in a vanilla map?
Demos : 20:16 playthrough on HMP, stats 57-61-14
Other : No
Other files required : DOOM.WAD
* Play Information *
Game : Ultimate DOOM, should work with vanilla.
Map # : E1M1, E4M3
note: e1m1 is there just to tell you the
right slot. Also my first attempt to make a
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : perhaps
Difficulty Settings : Yes, only HMP tested though.
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : Exactly 5 months + 1 month without a
computer + 1 month contributing to a CP.
Editor(s) used : DB2, SLADE, M$ Paint, IrfanView, PabloDraw
Known Bugs : Only minor slime trails.
May Not Run With : Runs with anything.
Tested With : Chocolate Doom 2.2.1, Doom Retro 2.3.6,
Crispy Doom 3.4
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification
or reuse. Include me in the credits, though; and preferably add a few
sentences about what an awesome guy I am.
Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their
resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text
file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any
electronic format (BBS (whatever the hell is that), Diskette
(whatever the hell is that), CD (whatever the hell is that), etc)
as long as you include this file intact. I have received
permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: doom.gamebanana.com
FTP sites: look 2 lines up