Text File
Title : TV1998 MIDI Pack
Filename : tv98midi.wad
Release date : 28 November 2016
Author : Jimmy & various
Email Address : [redacted]
Other Files By Author : Jenesis, Jenocide DM, Jiffy Bag, Jimmy's Jukebox,
Jungle Spirits, The Joy of Mapping,
Harmony MIDI Pack, Plutonia MIDI Pack,
Revolution! MIDI Pack.
Misc. Author Info : He is 5am and it is tired.
Description : A pack that allocates tracks from the Revolution!
MIDI pack project to the levels of T.V.'s prior
release, TV1998.
Additional Credits to : Every contributor to the Revolution! MIDI Pack.
Sadly not everyone could make an appearance here too.
Thomas van der Velden for the original set of maps,
and for wholesome support and encouragement during
the Revolution! MIDI Pack's development.
* What is included *
New levels : No
Sounds : No
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes, for the new level names
Demos : No
Other : tv98midi-np.wad is included for use with ZDoom-based
ports; it simply prints the designated track name
to the screen. Make sure to run it along with
Other files required : tv1998.wad.
Get TVR! here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/tv1998
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Other game styles : All
Difficulty Settings : N/A
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : The development time of Revolution! MIDI Pack, + about
an hour to allocate the tracks into the new order.
Editor(s) used : Various MIDI sequencers, SLADE
May Not Run With... : Vanilla doom.exe because the music in the WAD is
.MID files, not .MUS files (although none of the
files come close to the 96kb limit). Works best
with PrBoom, MBF and ZDoom.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.
It MIGHT be courteous of you to seek permission from any authors whose
music featured in this that you may want to use.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: http://www.jamespaddockmusic.com/
* Tracks *
TITLE: "Tzimidzi Greets You!" by CWolf & Jimmy
INTER: "Why Settle For Colonel?" by yakfak
MAP01: "Unearth" by Alfonzo
MAP02: "Haze" by Eris Falling
MAP03: "Trash" by Alfonzo
MAP04: "Sappers & Moles" by yakfak
MAP05: "Freighthoppers" by Jimmy
MAP06: "Bystreet" by Akse & Jimmy
MAP07: "Keepsake Fever" by Alfonzo
MAP08: "Last Resort" by Jimmy
MAP09: "The Revenant" by KevinHEZ
MAP10: "Hangar 7" by Jimmy
MAP11: "Mint Petal" by Viscra Maelstrom
MAP12: "Mining for Paranoia" by Akse
MAP13: "Smooth Infiltrator" by Kassman & Jimmy
MAP14: "Gargoyles" by Jimmy
MAP15: "Westopolis" by Viscra Maelstrom
MAP16: "Wasted" by Doomkid
MAP17: "Acidic Lymph" by ClumsyDoomer
MAP18: "Clay" by Jimmy
MAP19: "Ancient Enclosure" by Viscra Maelstrom
MAP20: "The Forgotten God" by Eris Falling
MAP21: "Battle of Chaos" by Eris Falling
MAP22: "Evil On Tour" by Alfonzo & Jimmy
Thanks to everyone on Doomworld who helped make this WAD possible.