Text File
Advanced engine needed : Limit removing
Primary purpose : Single player, but co-op options implemented
Title : Return to Hadron Episode 2 - The Collider's new clothes
Filename : hadrone2.wad
Release date : 04/12/2016
Author : Matt "cannonball" Powell
Email Address : [redacted]
Other Files By Author : Sparta.wad, Hadronf.wad, draftex.wad, concerned.wad, sparta.wad, cbspeed.wad and a few more contributions elsewhere
Misc. Author Info : UDINO project leader
Description : A episode 2 replacement for the Ultimate doom, set in the location where Concerned's E2 took place. The development of this wad however was entirely from scratch, there are some resembles to the original maps here and there and some ho,d similar themes to their counterparts. The gameplay is fairly challenging on UV, especially the second half of the wad.
Additional Credits to : ID Games for doom
Tourniquet for alpha testing.
The artists/games/tv shows for which the music for this wad comes from.
The People from doomworld who actually tested this and helped to implement better gameplay.
* What is included *
New levels : 9
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes
Demos : Yes (1)
Other : No
Other files required : No
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM
Map # : E2M1-9
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : 1 year (A hiatus of a few months occured during the summer)
Editor(s) used : Doom builder 2 and Slade 3
Known Bugs : Not any I have found. There are likely to be visplane overflows in Vanilla.
May Not Run With : Vanilla
Tested With : Pr-boom plus V2.5.1.4
A week had followed since a single hero had breached through a portal into the realms of hell, however it was a trick, leading him to his innevitable demise in a warped and twisted world with no end in sight. A small group of survivors are searching for hope amidst the destruction of Earth, you (one of this group) stumble upon a portal covered by the ever growing sea of flesh, you suddenly feel faint as your body is transported by a means you have never experienced before. Your eyes adjust to the light and you see before you the corrupted interior of the Hadron facility, more specifically the military outpost on the western side of the base. There is no way back, you might as well push on and find out what is going on here, or better yet a way to stop it.
E2M1 - Flesh Start
Music used - Into Sandy's City by Robert Prince
This one falls into the vague resembles of the original E2M1 from Concerned, visually however this has a solid theme of stone2 mixed with some occasional browns and corruption.
E2M2 - Logistics Complex
Music used - Death's Bells from TNT Evilution
This was made from Scratch, the visual theme is similar to E2M1 and some of the themes from the original can be found here, including a few crates in the red key area.
E2M3 - Comm Centre
Music used - Cold Subtleness from TNT Evilution
A new map from scratch, I kept to the theme of the previou two, though the map has a dual personality, a fairly clean but dark E1 tech section at the start and a more corrupt and brown theme in the second half. The flashing red lights I really liked and tried to present them as transmitters, I don't know it actually looks believable or not, They make appearances in maps further on.
Music used - Mist Ache from Rise of the Triad
The start will be very familar as it is based off the start area from Infirmary from Concerned. Therest takes on similar themes to the same said map, but expanded and has a much higher level of interconnectivity as well as a degree of non-linearity. I really wanted to get a map where marble textures dominated and this is it.
Music used - Mystic's Glance by David Shaw (Requiem Map05)
This map was made from scratch, the idea from the E2M5 of Concered was scrapped and replaced with a fairly compact and violent E2 styled corrupt tech base. The hunt for the secret exit brings its rewards, but also some hairy moments.
E2M6 - Aqueduct of Agony
Music used - Sinister by Robert Prince (default track)
I really liked the theme of E2M6 from Concerned, but the map layout sucked, so here is a map with a even higher perecentage of damaging floor, a layout which tends to favour roaming monsters and throw a cyber right at the start. Have fun and don't dawdle, I didn't place that many radsuits :P
E2M7 - Core Processor
Music Used - Horizon from TNT Evilution
So it typical tradition, here is a huge map in the Map07 slot. The start to feel familar but has been expanded to give a more airy feel. Expect to be pressurised from start to finish, but hopefully this isn't too overwhelming and the majority of the combat is more incidental here, a difference that can be seen across most of this set in comparison to Concerned.
E2M8 - Ground Zero
Music used - Stigmatism by Primeval
I didn't want to make a map that was too long, or as short as the original, so here is a showdown deep underground where the hell armys are first attacking the base. I just hope the madness isn't too much here.
E2M9 - Descent into Darkness
Music Used - Adagio for strings from Rise of the Triad.
The intial design for this one was made when the DWMC played hell revealed, so here is an ultimate doom version. The darkenss theme from E2M9 of Concered has stayed though here.
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You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
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* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
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