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TNT: Revilution

   (38 reviews)


About This File

TNT: Revilution is a fan made community project the acts as a sequel to TeamTNT's Evilution. The goal of this project was to capture the spirit of what made Evilution so great, while at the same time bringing the quality of the visuals & game play up to modern standards.

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An quality fan-made continuation of TNT.WAD. Completed it for 12 hours totally.
MAP15 and MAP28 along the favorites.
Final bosses is interesting, though it can be rushy sometimes. I played with PSX sounds wad and did not noticed boss death sound, cause it shared same sound with PSX arachnotron.
The level is of detailing is very high. Sometimes even can not believable, what this can be done with vanilla limitations.
Skyboxes are one of the best what I saw in other wads.
What I don't like is some maps is just out of place, like MAP27. One more disappointment about they pulled out Europa/Lithosphere from MAP32 slot. Hope we can see them in another related projects.
Also you can see the real name of cyberdemon at the cast screen :)

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4 stars because I'm a fucking idiot overwritten my saves with another wad. I gave up on finish it because I was on map 28 when I lost my save files.


I admire such gameplay flow, architecture, and stuff. Man, how did you guys do it?

Not a fan of map24 though. With all those switch hunting and stuff. I spent like 1 hour plus on map24 alone, please prepare salt if you starting this map. I cheated my way out of the map and I got "SUCKS" remark on the intermission screen haha.


final score 5/5

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a mapset like this was certainly a long time coming. excellent quality control and plenty of fun maps. also lots of custom music that manages to be fun to listen to as well. I remember almost every map from the beta releases, excepting MAP26 and 27 which were new. didn't really like 26 though. from valk's gargantuan exploration maps to eradrop's mini-slaughter scenarios to jaws' quickies, this mapset has a load of fun. one thing to note: MAP30's work on the dehacked enemies may crash if you are playing with mods that modify monsters (at least i think the turret is actually an SS replacement). worth the download for sure.

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Finally, a proper sequel to the other half of Final Doom - TNT: Evilution. Much like Plutonia 2 was to the original, this feels like a well-detailed modern equivalent to TNT with old-school vanilla flair. This time however there are plenty of all-new textures to add to the experience of a new flavor of TNT.


First off, I want to say the soundtrack is AMAZING. I listened to the intermission track almost every time I completed a map in its entirety. There's so much character put into the soundtrack I would almost suggest giving it a listen before playing the WAD, but really it can be appreciated in either respect. I was glad to see (or hear) many talented musicians involved with this project I was not previously aware of - with the likes of Eris Falling, Viscra Maelstrom, Bucket, Eradrop, and one returning composer which I do remember from the 90's - Jeremy Doyle. Some of the tracks include remixes of days long past - with a cover of TNT's, "Into The Beast's Belly" and "Blood Jungle" in the form of TiN Toker and Reaching Deeper. Also featuring a couple tracks that echo Memento Mori and Requiem with, "Sea Bats" and "Your Last Resort". Anyone who remembers their playthrough of these WADs will be pleased to pick up on some familiar notes. Also worthy of note is Jeremy Doyle's involvement including some old tracks that date back as far as Requiem's development now making headline 20 years later with this past Summer release of Revilution. The tracks, "Neato" and "REQ-JD10" do remind me of an older time in Doom's WAD release history, but there's so much old-and-new content to be found in this WAD it's difficult to narrow down all the highlight moments.


In my playthrough, I went for 100% kills/secrets on every level, and was only bested by purist's map in that regard with 1 secret that was difficult to notice. I also found out the hard way that MAP21 has a secret that can lose its effect when going for the yellow key, since it lowers the sector and erases the secret "effect" entirely. Otherwise, the only other odd instance was missing a few monsters on map 15 when I didn't properly set off a linedef-trigger to release their teleportation. A mishap on my part when I failed to thoroughly explore one of the outlying towers in a sea of toxic waste.


I recall someone likening some of the new textures to that of Quake II's offerings, and I agree somewhat. They have a strong, gritty outlook in a sort of deep metallic-brown with plenty of TNT-isms to be found in silver-sheen borders and computerized-hellish environments. It has that contradictory nature of the original TNT, but fleshed out tastefully in an imaginative way. The only way I can think to fault this WAD is also somewhat similar to what could be said of Plutonia 2's offering compared to the original - in that TNT: Revilution doesn't delve deeply into the same level of absurdness that TNT sometimes had with some of its old-90's design tropes - although I'd argue that it seems to work well enough in favor of what's usually passed for quality. In other words - if you were looking to experience oddities like Administration Center or Mount Pain again, I'd suggest waiting for the eventual release of Final Doom The Way Id Did.


All this aside, I was greatly surprised by what the mappers on board had to offer; collaborative efforts like, "Transduction" and Phobus with "Portal Facility" have a haunting atmosphere perfectly captured in the ghostly tracks that occupy them. The kickstarter map, "Uprising" with its guitar-driven soundtrack really excites me with the impression that TNT has finally returned these 20 years later - at the very least as a spiritual successor as driven by the community (that is - apart from not including the original members of TeamTNT). Eternal's sole offering, "Hell's Signs" probably feels the most like an offspring of the original TNT, as it nicely captures that otherworldly sprawl into a suspended hellish-cave in space. Purist's, "Spider Colony" to me almost felt like a John Romero take on TNT, which was an incredible delight. I'm also appreciative of Steve D's murderous affairs, "Blood Factory" and "Abandoned Port" which were some of the more troubling encounters save for gaspe's entry, "The Crash Site" and the joint Tarnsman/Alfonzo effort, "The Visage of Time." I won't spoil the new offerings of the last level, "Malignata" but I will say it makes very good use of DeHackEd and it's probably one of the most memorable last levels I've ever played in any megawad setting - I was happy to play it more than once if even just to find 1 of 2 secrets that were still missing. Really there's much to be said of what TNT: Revilution has to offer on board, but without sounding too long-winded I'd say it's better to experience the WAD and decide for yourself what map encounters stood out the most.


Most of all I can appreciate that this WAD was setting out to do something new with each map - there were a few callback moments in my experience, but not enough to warrant the, "remake" label. As a sequel I felt it was right were it needed to be - a 21st-century transliteration of what made the original TNT especially unique, capitalized by no shortness of modern talents like Dobu Gabu Maru, Eradrop, Pinchy, Steve D, gaspe, and a great handful of others.


I would gladly give this a 5/5 - I'd only apologize that I also have a couple of entries (maps 24 and 31) occupying the WAD without knowing what I was contributing to. That's still 30 maps worth of long hours of effort I was otherwise not involved with, and I'm surprised to find myself enjoying this megawad so much. Well done on the part of all the mappers and musicians involved including former project leaders Kyka and Eris Falling, and a big thank-you to Jaws In Space for seeing this project through to completion.

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Excellent, hands down. There is certain ammo tightness, especially in the earlier maps, but I think it makes this WAD even greater. A must-play.

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Fun new original levels with really good music for TNT. It's worth playing until the final level, which shows how you can still make an original final boss level in vanilla Doom. 

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I did a long review already in the corresponding topic. So, I'll make this nice and short. This mapset is really good, it has good gameplay flow, great music, great maps, it's hard though but anyone with good skills will do it no problem. I totally recommend this megawad to everyone. Give it a try!!!

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Not an IWAD but awesome gameplay. For the future, TNT: Evilution is the prequel to this mod. And, TNT: Revilution is the SEQUEL to TNT: Evilution.

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Also any trouble running this on sourceports, please report on the forum thread, not here.

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Excellent through MAP07 but loading MAP08 crashes the latest gzdoom builds.  Some levels seem a bit tilted towards pistol start rather than a full playthrough.

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I've already played many maps of this Wad and I am really liking it! Be careful on pistol start. The later levels can be very hard for UV/Max!

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After post-release troubles (they are mostly related to the fact that this wad initially supposed to be running with Doom2 but kept being rejected for official release, so later got edited to make it as PWAD for TNT IWAD which broke compability and caused more bugs but they are more or less fixed, still check the original thread for any further updates on the matter. Music and Visuals blends perfectly with style although this project isn't supposed to imitate graphics or design choices of Evilution too closely but expand it like you really coming back after years to famous place that evolved/degenerated over time but still preserves the same essence. That flow, gameplay, feeling is exactly what they were aiming for with this project. You can change visuals, improve upon them but if you change essence even closest emulation with perfect textures and pro level design is a fail, soulless craftsmanship. Gladly this is not the case and it's successful, new graphics, gameplay and music blends in a smooth intoxicating flow through you, as a player like immersive drug in megawad form.

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A midi version of Parabola by tool was playing on the first level.  PARABOLA. I applaud the creator for having an absolutely amazing taste in music

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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