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About This File

Inspired by JP LeBreton's discussion with John Romero at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV6HlBa88js&feature=youtu.be&t=80 and Blackmantis' research at https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/85756-found-doom-sky-source-files/, in 2017, we traveled to Yangshuo County, China to try and find the cave from which Tom Atwood photographed "Yangshuo Cavern" sometime in the late 80s or early 90s. Also known as MAJEST3.TIF, this image was distributed by Aris Entertainment in 1991 and 1992 via royalty free CD-ROMs like "MediaClips Majestic Places" and "The Best of MediaClips," an example of which can be downloaded at https://archive.org/details/The_Best_of_MediaClips_2.0.1_Aris_Entertainment_1994. After finding its way into the offices of id Software during the development of DOOM, Atwood's photograph of the Karst Mountains became Phobos, the skybox for the shareware episode of the game, "Knee Deep in the Dead."

Not Moon Hill or Butterfly Spring or Dragon Water Cave, asking for the location of "Yangshuo Cavern" is the equivalent of asking for the location of "California Hill" when searching for the Bliss Screen. Beyond the immensity of the mountain range and vagary of Atwood's original title, in many ways Yangshuo County exemplifies the larger process of historical erasure and cultural amnesia in China. Villages alongside the Li River are undergoing rapid development; every cave we entered was full of concrete, colored lights, and consumed Monkey Kings; and even local cavers and climbers were stumped...is it even possible to find "Yangshuo Cavern" in 2017?

The history of Yangshuo is not only occluded when it comes to DOOM, but also in relation to China more broadly. Even though the 20 RMB note features a shan shui-esque rendering of the region's famous mountains, hills, and caverns along the Li River, Yangshuo is not an ancient site of art and culture. In fact, landscape painters only made their way to the Karst Mountains en masse as refugees during the Second Sino-Japanese War between 1937 and 1945. Whether remediated as an ancient site of national pride or as the backdrop for the shareware episode of DOOM, in many ways Yangshou may as well be Mars.

In this short, single map .WAD, photographs we took while floating down the Li River replace the skybox and sprites of DOOM while Aris Entertainment's original musical accompaniment, MAJEST3.WAV, replaces the music. This is the first of a series of levels we are designing as an essay/megawad about the technologies, histories, and cultures of play around DOOM in China.

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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