Text File
Primary purpose : Single play
Title : Struggle - Antaresian Legacy
Filename : STRG
Release date : August 19. 2018
Author : antares031
Email Address : [redacted]
Other Files By Author : Antaresia, Ludicrium, Harvester's Reminiscence for
DMP2016, The Kerberos Complex for DMP2017, Alpha
Scorpii Supercluster for Nova 3, and more levels
for various community projects, such as
THT:Threnody, Joy of Mapping 5, SlaughterMAX, and
DyingCamel's Demons #1
Description : Struggle - Antaresian Legacy is a single-player mod
for Doom 2 with limit removing compatibility. It
features new weapons and monsters replacement with
DeHacked patch. Some of original monsters are also
slightly changed, so it's recommended to check out
the info below, before you play this one. Thanks,
and have fun. :)
[IMPORTANT] This wad uses heavily modified DeHacked
patch. So it is recommended not to use other custom
gameplay patches.
P.S.: Par time is based on UV-MAX, not UV-Speed
P.P.S. : Please try STRG_M28.wad file, if you're
having a framerate issue with MAP28.
Additional Credits to : Textures: Alien Vendetta, Plutonia, Textures.com
(a.k.a. CGTextures), + Mechadon for source files of
the skybox of the last episode
Sound Effects: Cry of Fear, Heretic, Hexen, Doom 3
Sprites: Heretic, Hexen, Kingdom of the Wind,
+Smooth Doom for rocket explosion sprites
Music: Fortress 2, Fortress 2 Blue, Digimon Online,
Dragon Force: The Day 3, Psychedelic Eyeball
* What is included *
New levels : 32
Sounds : Yes
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes
Demos : Yes
Other : No
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2
Map # : MAP01 - MAP32
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : Basically, the idea was come from 2006
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, XWE, WhackEd4, SLADE3, Photoshop
CS3, Goldwave
Known Bugs : Possible slime trails and all-ghost effect in
classic ports
May Not Run With : Vanilla Doom source ports
Tested With : PrBoom+ w/ complevel 2
GZDoom g3.4.0 (software renderer)
ZDaemon 1.10.04
Zandronum 3.0
* Contents *
- Release History
- Special Thanks
- Info
* Story
* Weapon replacement
* New Monsters
* Monster Adjustment
* Levels (with one-line commentary)
* UV-Max par time
* Background music
* Weapon models
=== Release History ===
- Beta 1 : Oct 11, 2015
- Beta 2 : Nov 4, 2015
- Beta 3 : Feb 26. 2016
- Beta 4 : November 28, 2016
- Beta 4B : Febuary 8, 2018
- Beta 5 : March 19, 2018
- Release Candidate 1 : June 24, 2018
- Release Candidate 2 : June 30, 2018
- Release Candidate 3 : August 7, 2018
- Release Candidate 4 : August 11, 2018
- idgames release : August 19. 2018
=== Special Thanks ===
* FDA or livestream feedback, video playthrough providers
Deadwing, scifista42, gaspe, Dragonfly, x38_ViTa_38, loveless, Veinen,
129thVisplane, kakhome1, Megablast, MrZzul
* Suggestions, bug report providers
Memfis, Doomkid, SuperCupcakeTactics, EffinghamHuffnagel, Fonze,
rhinoduck, Poohlyash, Evolution, WH-Wilou84, tmorrow, Terminus,
* Doomworld Megawad Club participants (July 2018)
Roofi, tmorrow, FrancisT18, NuMetalManiak, Forli, rehelekretep,
Magnusblitz, TheOrganGrinder, Catpho, DavitW, Aquila Chrysaetos,
Rayziik, Dragonfly, CPCTC, Salt-Man Z
=== Info ===
= Story =
You wake up in the morning and watch the news.
The newsflash reports that the demonic invasion is suddenly begun.
Millions of people were killed within less than an hour, and it's getting worse.
You pick up your pistol & hammer, and see what's actually going on out there.
You better struggle yourself to live than just stay at home during the invasion... I guess?
= Weapon replacement =
0a. Ammo capacity
- 9mm bullet: 180 (360)
- Shells: 36 (72)
- Grenade: 18 (36)
- .223 cal.: 160 (320)
0b. Ammo pickup
- 9mm bullet: 12 / 60
- Shells: 2 / 10
- Grenade: 1 / 5
- .223 cal.: 20 / 100
1a. Hammer (replacing fist)
- Damage is increased by twice
- Slower firing speed
1b. Drill machine (replacing chainsaw)
- Faster firing speed
2. Pistol
- Now shoots in burst mode (2 shoots)
- Always accurate to aiming point
3a. Shotgun
- Faster firing speed
3b. Super Shotgun
(no changes)
4. Dual-Wielding Pistols (replacing chaingun)
- Faster firing speed
5. Grenade Launcher (replacing RL)
- Deadlier projectile (Damage: 20 -> 50, Speed: 20 -> 30)
- Slower firing speed
6. Assault rifle (replacing plasma rifle)
- Deadlier projectile (Damage: 5 -> 7, Speed: 20 -> 35)
7. Leichenfaust (replacing BFG9000)
- Like BFG9000, but with better reaction time and less projectile damage
- Each tracer deals additional explosive damage
- Able to keep firing without reloading sequence, if you hold down the fire button
- Damage: 50, Speed 25
= New Monsters =
1. Chaingun Elite (replacing Wolfenstein SS)
HP: 80 / Pain chance: 30.86%
"Possesed by Afriest, this elite soldiers now have more health and agility,
shooting four super-fast energy bolts."
2A. Antaresia (replacing Baron of Hell, original sprite: Ophidian from Heretic)
HP: 650 / Pain chance: 16.80%
"A cerulean ophidian from another dimension. First burst shots might be okay,
but the last blow is capable of taking a soul of unlucky victim in one shot."
* Antaresia and Hell Knight don't provoke monster infighting each other.
2B. Antaresia Elite (Special variation of Antaresia)
HP: 800 / Pain chance: 3.13%
"A rare monster that only appears in the last episode. It's heavily armored, and
has much faster movement speed. It also drops a blue skull relic, once it's dead."
3A. Afriest (1st Boss, o/s: Dark Bishop from Hexen)
HP: 500 / Pain chance: 16.02%
"You couldn't see it coming for you. A very fast and agile hunter with tons of magic.
This is insane."
3B. Afriest Statue (Special variation of Afriest)
HP: (invulnerable)
"A statue made out of cerulean marble from another world. One statue is capable of
recalling a single monster from the other dimension"
3C. Afriest Turret (Special variation of Afriest)
HP: (invulnerable)
"Imbued with mysterious power, these statues are indestructible. Good luck."
4A. Leviathan (2nd Boss, replacing Commander Keen, o/s: Heresiarch from Hexen)
HP: 10000 / Pain chance: 4.30%
"A vicious sorcerer with tough health and outstanding agility. He can incinerate
anything that blocks his way. Also, can spawn minions."
* Some of them don't flinch by pain, but they don't spawn monsters.
4B. Spectroviathan (Special variation of Leviathan)
HP: 2800 / Pain chance: 0%
"Leviathans managed to create transparent puppets to accomplish their goal much
easier. Still, these creatures are unstable and fragile, compare to the originals."
5. --- (Final Boss, replacing Boss Brain, o/s: Iron Lich from Heretic)
HP: 22400 / Pain chance: 1.95%
"Ignis Infinitus"
= Monster Adjustment =
1. Zombieman
- Faster movement speed
- Now shoots constantly
- Lower pain chance
2. Shotgun guy
- Faster movement speed
- Lower pain chance
3. Heavy weapon dude
- Faster movement speed
- Lower pain chance
4. Imp
- Faster movement speed
- Lower pain chance
5. Demon
- Faster movement speed
- Lower pain chance
6. Spectre
- Replaced from Demon to Spectrocaco
- Faster movement speed, but lesser health
- Fireball now has faster speed with more powerful damage
- Lower pain chance
7. Lost Soul
- Now charges attack without delay
- Lesser health
8. Cacodemon
- Faster movement speed
- Fireball now has faster speed with more powerful damage
- Lower pain chance
9. Hell Knight
- Faster movement speed
10. Baron of Hell
- Replaced to Antaresia
- Shoots burst fireballs, then fires deadly energy bolt.
- Faster movement speed
11. Arachnotron
- Faster movement speed
- Now shoots with a hitscan minigun
12. Pain Elemental
- Faster movement speed
- Lesser health
13. Revenant
- Now shoots twin mini-rockets
- Mini-rocket travels faster, but no more homing ability
- The damage of mini-rocket is reduced
- Lower pain chance
14. Mancubus
- Faster projectile speed
15. Arch-vile
- Now can resurrect Spider Mastermind
- Greater pain chance
16. Spider Mastermind
- Faster movement speed
- Health is increased from 3000 to 3300
- Now attacks with both hitscan machinegun and deadly energy bolts
- Faster reaction time with less pain chance
- Now can defeat Cyberdemon in 1-on-1
17. Cyberdemon
- Faster movement speed
- Faster projectile speed and damage, same as player's grenade
- Now can be defeated by Spider Mastermind in 1-on-1
18. Wolfenstein SS
- Replaced to Chaingun Elite
- Faster movent speed
- Has more health than original HWD (70 -> 80)
- No longer shoots hitscan attatck. Instead, he shoots four energy bolts
= Levels (with one-line commentary) =
Episode 1 - The Catastrophe Begins
MAP01: At the Entrance
- A simple, straightforward opener for a full megawad.
MAP02: Ready to Survive
- Used to have a problem with navigating around in the early version.
MAP03: 3rd Supply Depot
- One of two levels that were salvaged from Catastrophe (2013); the scrapped megawad project long ago.
MAP04: Local Outpost
- A tribute to the second level I've ever created in 2006, which was MAP02 of Catastrophe (2006. yes, there are two of them.).
MAP05: Sewage Treatment
- An another level from Catastrophe (2013). Remember that Cyberdemons also shoot the same rockets as yours.
MAP06: Meet the Afriest
- I hope you like blue textures. Spoiler alert for the final episode.
MAP07: Point Foxtrot Tango
- I apologize in advance for using tag 666/667 in MAP07.
MAP08: A Forgotten Base
- I stopped mapping and made the exit, because I was running out of ideas.
MAP09: Spectre Strikes
- Remember, there are no pinky spectres in this wad. Mind the spectrocacos.
MAP10: Cerulean Ophidians
- You can call them Ophidians, instead of Antaresias, if you want.
MAP11: The Indomitable Mastermind
- Arch-viles can resurrect Spider Masterminds in this wad.
Episode 2 - Two Gateways to Inferno
MAP12: Into the Danger
- I apologize in advance again for a mediocre name of the level.
MAP13: Military Base
- It has a shooting range, to inform you that this is a military base.
MAP14: A Ticket from Inferno
- You need to press both Unit Switches to get a yellow keycard.
MAP15A: Teleportation Delta
- Used to have 665 monsters on UV.
MAP15B: Scorching Flames
- It was my #1 favorite unusual effect in Team Fortress 2.
MAP15C: The Leviathan
- Based on the concept of the final level of Catastrophe (2013).
MAP16: Return to Earth
- I expanded the idea of this level, and made The Kerberos Complex for DMP2017.
MAP17: Infinity Edge
- It has some miniatures of real life landmarks, and even a battleship.
MAP18: Point Lima Foxtrot
- Seriously, who's idea to put BFG for the first time in MAP18?
MAP19: Teleportation Theta
- Remember, those afriest turrets are indestructible. Don't try to shoot them.
MAP20: Chorok Yeonok
- It means "Green Purgatory" in korean. I hope you like green textures.
Episode 3 - Antaresian Legacy
MAP21: The Overture
- I hope you like blue textures. I really hope so.
MAP22: Afriests' Seminary
- I hope you like Afrie... nevermind.
MAP23: Rhabdophis Tigrinus
- The name was from a snake, that nearly freaked me out while I was planting dummy mines near the DMZ.
MAP24: The Lost Temple
- This level introduces Antaresia Elite, which is basically a combination of Antaresia and Evil Marine from Scythe 2.
MAP25: Druidia Borealis Sanctum
- The name has references from Skyroads, Half-Life 2, and even Doom (2016).
MAP26: Leviathan's Hideout
- I became a fan of dome structure, after I designed Alpha Scorpii Supercluster for Nova 3.
MAP27: Legions against One
- Ran out of ideas for mapping, so I just made three symmetric rooms with a full of demons.
MAP28: The Antaropolis
- Inspired by "The Hags Finger" from Sunder. It also has an optional wad with less details; STRG_M28.wad.
MAP29: Alpha Scorpii Monument
- A tribute to "Misri Halek" from Alien Vendetta; my all-time favorite Doom level. It also has a super secret.
MAP30: Ignis ex Antaresia
- Par time is one minute, even shorter than the first level. Good luck.
= UV-Max par time =
MAP01 - 4:00
MAP02 - 6:30
MAP03 - 8:30
MAP04 - 9:30
MAP05 - 13:00
MAP06 - 6:30
MAP07 - 10:00
MAP08 - 9:30
MAP09 - 12:00
MAP10 - 12:30
MAP11 - 10:00
MAP12 - 15:00
MAP13 - 14:00
MAP14 - 14:30
MAP15A - 10:30
MAP15B - 16:30
MAP15C - 6:00
MAP16 - 18:30
MAP17 - 17:30
MAP18 - 10:00
MAP19 - 19:00
MAP20 - 15:00
MAP21 - 7:30
MAP22 - 9:00
MAP23 - 10:30
MAP24 - 11:00
MAP25 - 12:00
MAP26 - 17:30
MAP27 - 11:00
MAP28 - 21:30
MAP29 - 25:30
MAP30 - 1:00
Par of the course - 6:25:00
= Background music =
MAP01: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00011.mid "Welcome To Skull's Hell"
MAP02: Fortress 2 - GM09.mid
MAP03: Digimon Online - Stage11.mid "Castle of Myotismon (original)"
MAP04: Digimon Online - Stage10.mid "Neo Seoul (alternative)"
MAP05: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00007.mid "TeMP Time"
MAP06: Fortress 2 - Stage00003.mid "The Fantastic Island"
MAP07: Fortress 2 Blue - GM05.mid (Waiting Room Theme)
MAP08: Fortress 2 - Stage00011.mid "The Broken City"
MAP09: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00013.mid "When Skull Met the Gold-Crown"
MAP10: Digimon Online - Stage03.mid "Overturned Desert"
MAP11: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00002.mid "The Profound"
MAP12: Fortress 2 - Stage00000.mid "The Hidden Stage"
MAP13: Dragon Force: The Day 3 - STAGE03 "For the Day III"
MAP14: Digimon Online - Stage13.mid "Castle of Myotismon (alternative)"
MAP15: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00011.mid "Welcome To Skull's Hell"
MAP15B: Fortress 2 - Stage00001.mid "The Artificial satellite"
MAP15C: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00010.mid "Tank Slayer"
MAP16: Fortress 2 - GM02.mid
MAP17: Digimon Online - Stage04.mid "Neo Seoul (original)"
MAP18: Fortress 2 Blue - GM05.mid (Waiting Room Theme v2)
MAP19: Fortress 2 - Stage00005.mid "The Yamato Ship"
MAP20: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00005.mid "The Invincible"
MAP21: Dragon Force: The Day 3 - STAGE01.mid "Grand Work Buster"
MAP22: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00001.mid "I Know What You Did Last Stage"
MAP23: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00015.mid "Egyptian Rule"
MAP24: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00003.mid "Saving Private Skull"
MAP25: Psychedelic Eyeball - Bloody Skies
MAP26: Psychedelic Eyeball - The Day of Defeat
MAP27: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00006.mid "Culture Shock"
MAP28: Psychedelic Eyeball - Iceberg
MAP29: Psychedelic Eyeball - Monuments of Treason
MAP30: Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00010.mid "Tank Slayer"
Title Screen: Fortress 2 - Stage00001.mid "The Artificial satellite"
Intermission: Digimon Online - System02.mid "Main Theme"
Text Screen: Dragon Force: The Day 3 - STAGE05.mid "Raspujin"
= Weapon models =
Hammer : A hammer that I bought from a hardware shop in 2002
Drill machine : BOSCH GSR 12-1
Pistol : Toystar Glock 17 Black
Dual-wield mode : (same as pistol)
Shotgun : Dongsan Model SPAS-12
Grenade Launcher : Toystar CCM-001 Scope
Assault rifle : Toystar K-2 Rifle
Leichenfaust : (same as rifle)
* Copyright / Permissions *
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
and remix, transform, and build upon the material. If you do so, you must
give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if
changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way
that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the
material for commercial purposes.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors