Text File
MUSTOOL Utility for DOOM II.
By Igor Obraztsov (the SCORPIO)
This small utility has been done generally having in mind Bill Neisius's
DMMUSIC utility. However, dince Bill haven't done a DMMUSIC for DOOM II yet,
I wrote it myself. But the syntax is very similar to DMMUSIC.
The utility syntax is this:
MUSTOOL [number] [-c] [-r] [-f file.wad] [-e file.mus] [-s file.mus]
If you put in number parameter, it MUST be the first parameter.
Number is 1..32 for 32 levels of DOOM II, 33 for storyline screen, 34
for title screen and 35 for between level screen. This info is also
displayed when you run mustool without any parameters.
-c Will list ONLY the MUSIC entries of the wad file.
-r Will remove a music entry from pwad (must give number)
-f Specifies a pwad to use. If not present, doom2.wad is used.
-e Copies(Extracts) a music entry from wad to a .mus file.(must give number).
-s Will Insert(Store) a mus file into pwad (must give number).
You can specify -r and -e togeather - first entry is extracted, then removed
from pwad. If you specify -s and -e togeather, entry is first extracted, then
another mus file is stored in its place. -s and -r cannot be specified
Also, this program WILL NOT CHANGE DOOM2.WAD FILE!!! If you use -s or -r
option, you HAVE to give the -f option. If you give -f doom2.wad, it won't
work either. And renaming doom2.wad to smth else also won't help. If you
REALLY want to screw up your main .wad file, email me and I'll send you
the full C code. All it takes to remove this restriction is take out a couple
of if's. Though I don't recommend it.
In general, I tested this program and tried to make sure that it has no bugs.
However, if you DO find any, please email me. It also would be a good idea
to back up your pwad file before uing MUSTOOL on it.
____________________________________________< > < >_________
/ ______I_G_O_R____O_B R_A_Z_T_S O_V______ V )_.._( V \
| / ______/ _____/__ // ___/_ // // __ / \\ <____> // |
| \____ \/ /___/ /_/ // // /_/ // // /_/ / ~ <______> ~ > |
| /_____/_____/_____//_// ____//_//_____/ /~\______/~\ // |
| /_/ /~\_____/~\ /_\ |
| ***The Mad Preferancist*** /~\____/~\ /_\ |
| iobrazts@its.brooklyn.cuny.edu /~\___/\~\ _/_\/ |