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Obituary 1.1, updated version

   (69 reviews)


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19 levels, 3 new enemies, weapon patch

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it's like if the casali brothers got their hands on skillsaw's kamikaze soldiers


srsly tho, for 1995 this wad is pretty vicious. the moeller brothers love to throw some real nasty shit at you on the regular, but despite that it still remains very fun (albeit somewhat frustrating at times). the levels all look decent for 1995, and the spritework for the new enemies and textures is quite good as well. aside from a few specific things (the beginning of map06 for example) there's not really any genuinely bad things about the megawad. if you're a fan of older stuff then i highly recommend this mapset - it's not as refined as later stuff the moellers worked on like memento mori, but it's still great fun.

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Being old as is, Obituary is still enjoyable even in 2020. Maybe there is no real wow effect, but gameplay is really solid and level design surprisingly compact. This wad is amongst bit more difficult ones (I HATE unfair traps :D ) and surely deserves at least a try.

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Punch to kick from the Innocent Crew, If you see a rocket zombie it's too late. Splat.

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TiC is most known for the Memento Mori's both of which were high-profile releases made for co-op, as well as Requiem which was their final wad. also they are known for Slaughter Until Death, Evil Unleashed, and finally Obituary, which is their most unique release overall. the styles of both Denis and Thomas Moller are quite outdated when put against any and all modern mappers who even exist, but they still prove quite memorable in encounters, notably of the cramped kind. Obituary as I said is the most unique release, the one where they worked with dehacked to create custom enemies (this unfortunately makes the thing hard to play unless you get it from the DSDA download, which consolidates it nicely. the rocket troopers are the best and worst new enemy simultaneously, nasty foes that can easily kill anything around them, even themselves. the stealth fighter is also high on the priority list due to him being fast, and the "harder imp" well he's just harder and all. there's apparently a weapons patch, but it's perfectly playable without it.


looking at the level design, my biggest issue in all honesty may just be the first level and the weird way of getting that yellow key, which is the only real bug. other than that, cramped combat makes for consistent watchful eyes of the surroundings. MAP05 is also quite memorable if a bit long, while others are fairly standard and a bit unmemorable. doesn't mean they are bad though. the teleporter closets in some maps are very poorly constructed it seems, but the whole set still proves to be quite fun to play even with the dated level design.

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One of the best wads of the 1990s I've ever played. The main weakness is surely its very outdated aestheticism with a very strange use of textures.


On the other hand, the wad must be retained for its ingenious traps and creative layouts. The wad is not easy. I have died several times in some levels. Rocketmen are particularly dangerous but at the same time very useful in killing their teammates.


My level is probably level 5 "The Hidden Below". I loved the height variations and the ways of climbing and descending. Moreover in each level, there are nice textures like barriers, middle-textures arches....


For me this wad is an example of true level design and inventiveness.


I rate it only 4.5/5 because of the absence of new music and the rather rudimentary aestheticism even for its time.


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· Edited by Meril


Very good. New textures, new weapons, new enemies. Design and architecture is very well made. But this pack is broken, I repaired it in Slade. Rocket zombie is dumb idea, but I like it. It is really funny when they kill themselves. But monster placement is pain in the ass. So many hitscanners! Flamethrower is OP, but kinda balanced thanks to short range. 2 times I needed to use level editor to find how to progress, and few times I get stucked because of using S1/W1 trigger lines. Anyway, I spend a lot of great time with this wad.

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I wasn't a fan of this, to be honest. The DeHacked work felt unnecessary and the frequency of tight-quartered, claustrophobic levels made it a chore for me to play through to the end. Your mileage may vary, of course.

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As one of the first megawads released for Doom 2, obituary feels a bit more dated compared to Memento Mori, but nonetheless it is still very fun and (surprisingly) hard as nails at times. The level design is very creative and the wad becomes only more interesting the more you play through it, with a lot of interesting traps and designs. I played this both in single player on ZDoom and in co-op and it was well worth it. You can't beat classic doom, can you? 4/5

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Unknown date

TiC were really the grandmasters, i mean can you imagine this being from 1995??? Oh, and they also did NewWadTool.

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Unknown date

Great level design (1995!), good for common gaming. But not good for speedrunning - some levels have balance & layout problems. 4/5 PS "Bazooka man" is stupid, disbalanced idea, but so funny hear that "splashing" :)

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Unknown date

Work of masters! ***** /hth

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Unknown date

Epic titlepic, the maps are average though.

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Unknown date

it´s fucking perfect!!!!!!!

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Unknown date

I don't believe this WAD has only 34 votes and just a few reviews (March 2010). It was revolutionary, easily the best of 1995. Additional monsters: super imps: good idea, bazooka men: funny but too dangerous, "hitech guys": WTF? Many outstanding maps (4,9,13...) The commentator above didn't install the thing properly. Look at http://www.doomworld .com/vb/wads-mods/39 095-obituary-problem / 4/5 stars, vdgg.

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Unknown date

5/5 - Ingenious layouts, gameplay-changing monsters, and some brutally difficult spots. The weapon changes are nice, but not essential. It may not have the cohesion of some level sets but I find the gameplay to be superb and well worth taking the time to get it working. - KMX E XII

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Unknown date

Level 01: Entrance Level 02: The Cataract Level 03: Chambers of Confusion Level 04: The Church Level 05: The Hidden Below Level 06: Reactor Level 07: Slaughter Until Death Level 08: Observation Station Level 09: Nuclear Research Base Level 10: The Stand Level 11: Incubator of Chaos Level 12: Biochemical Factory Level 13: Pandemonium II Level 14: Halls of the Requiem Level 15: Castle of Damnation Level 16: Conclusion Level 31: Divine Inferno

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Unknown date

Is there a ZDoom compatible version of this? The Dehacked files won't work :/

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Unknown date

This is freaking broken. The first goddamn level has a line of hellknights that you can't even get past with the super-limited ammo you have.

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Unknown date

Great wad.

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Unknown date

cool wad i liked it alot i thought the title page was pretty cool but i think the rocket trooper idea was also in that awsomeweapons&monste r.wad for doom 2 but still a cool selection of levels and i liked the level with the cyber demon in the middle ofthe room with the pentagram over head was a cool fight 4/5!

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Unknown date

Sadly this is one of only two wads (the other being Trooper's Playground) that I cannot get to work properly with any port. But it was one of (if not the) best release of its time.

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Unknown date

I enjoyed it; there are quite a few frustrating traps, but besides that it was enjoyable. ~vf

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Unknown date

There is a patch for modern OS here: http://users.otenet. gr/~velktron/Doom/ob ticfix.zip

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Unknown date

This might deserve 5 stars if only it weren't for the weapons being hilariously off-center. The kick sprite was awesome, if not a little mspainty. The levels leave a little to be desired. Overall it is well-deserving of its 4 star rating, but it could do with 4.5.

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
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      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
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