Text File
Title : Tread Softly!
Author : Brandon Bannerman
Email Address : backtrak@shadowplay.com
Possibly to change soon. When in doubt
refer to my surface mail address or
BBS number.
Misc. Author Info : 21yo ex-shareware programmer whose
free time is wholly occupied by
deathmatching in Doom, Doom2, or
Description : I built this level primarily to test
out a new feature I'd found in the
Doom engine, before realizing that,
although simplistic, this level could
provide a bit of play value and test
someone's coordination. I make no
claims to original architecture in
this one; I personally loathe levels
with cyberdemons most of the time. It
was necessary here.
Additional Credits to : Mackey McCandlish, author of the Doom
Must Fall total conversion patch, one
of the best that there is. The first
level showed me what happens when you
put more than one Player 1 start pos,
and got me thinking...
[*] Okay, what the smeg does this level do? [*]
Map Number : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented (No point, really)
New Sounds : Yes (Teleport sound replaced with a
death scream from Heretic. You'll
see why.)
New Graphics : No
New Music : Yes (E3M3 from Doom 1. Which reminds
me, am I the only person who noticed
that the music from Pandemonium is a
remix of a Slayer song called Behind
The Crooked Cross?)
Demos Replaced : None
[*] How the hell did you do it? [*]
Base : Brand spankin' new scatch level
Editor(s) used : DEU 2 (Yes, I know it's a hack, but
I don't like ADE2 and will use this
until DEU 5.3 is released.)
BSP v1.2x
RMB v2.0
NWT v1.3
Build Time : One lazy Sunday afternoon in May.
(About four hours, including docs
and optimizing)
Known Bugs : See TECHNOTE.TXT
[*] Cool! What can I do with it? [*]
Authors may do whatever they like with this file, with the following
stipulation: that if you use the level or the design technique used
to create the landmines (see TECHNOTE.TXT), that you give me credit
for it. Other than that, have at it!
[*] Okay, I've probably got this WAD, but just in case... [*]
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers:
Masterpiece MBBS (206) 639-0899
If you're really desperate, don't have internet access, and can't
call LD, then you can send me a diskette and some postage with a
return mailer, and I'll jam whatever WADs of mine that I can fit
on there. Brandon Bannerman
1612 James Lane #N15
Kent, WA 98032