Text File
Title : DM-KevEd.
Filename : DM2KEVED.WAD for DooM ][
Author : Eduardo Galvez, The DarkGod of DooM.
Email Address : roxi@mailnet.rdc.cl
Misc. Author Info : SysOp Games of ROXI BBS in Chile,
and a 16 year old DooM Master.
This wad is in honor to my Grandfather, deceased
some weeks before this wad's release: 22d March 1995.
Description : Quick & Tough DM level for DOOM ][.
Fast action wad, many ways to go, but
not too much :) With two main areas,
the DethPit (tm) and the Terroridor (tm)
all with a great speed, fast pace music.
Additional Credits to : Kevin Thelen, Alvaro Villalon for testing
& debugging..and DM'ing me!!
Sebastian Beca, for betatesting.
Roberto Rivas, my dear general SysOp...
IDSoftware... I *think* they made DooM...
NewWadTools 1.2 (TiC)
DMgraph, DMmusic, Midi2mus, Playmus... (various)
Wintex & Deutex (Olivier Montanuy)
DEU2 (Adler version)
DCK 2.2 Production team (Ben Moriis and co)
IDBSP 1.1b (Ron Rassbach)
Mordak for his RIP_OFF.WAD (yes, rips only :)
but anyway..PLAY IT!
Whoever made TC2.WAD...where I got 3 textures.
Kelly at Bubsy1@aol.com for the music.
Walnut Creek's DooM CD Nov 94 for its Stars...
My Gravis Gamepad which makes me rule DooM.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : No (only for testing)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (not really...on skill 4 its HARD!!)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes!! DOOM IS DM!
Difficulty Settings : Yes, on monsters and health available.
New Sounds : YES! CooL onez...from Rip_off.Wad, Mother of WADS!
New Graphics : Yes, new walls... Derived from TC2.WAD
New Music : Yes, music from Kelly at bubsy1@aol.com
Demos Replaced : Yes, KEVED.LMP => DM between me & kevin
In it you'll see how I (view 1) gets the BFG
thanks to him triggering the line opening the BFG
door, and also you'll learn not to lean too far on
the secret corridor into the DethPit (tm).
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.1b and 2.2. THE user friendly editor for DooM.
Time used : About...hmmm..12 hours MAX! + Beta test time..
Known Bugs : Many walls seem not to stop bullets????!!
!!!Help is needed for that!!
Tried using different editors to save,
different node builders..NOTHING! I
would REALLY appreciate help on that point.
Hints and tips : I bet you drooled when seeing the BFG
standing on that high column...Ahh...If
you would have had it...the other guy would
have seen red! Want to know how to get it?
Well better check out the demo included,
a recording between me & Kevin, showing how
to lower the BFG...with a nice "Donut" effect.
(Wonder why nobody uses it...)
Nota: THIS demo is FAAAR from being our
Real DM plays...When we play, BLooD oozes out
of my Disk Drive!! :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. Why should I say no?
You may do whatever you want with this file. BUT give me credit
if used in any way... :) I gave the others FULL credit didn't I?
* Where to get this WAD *
BBS numbers: ROXI BBS. 553-1421 & 553-1098 in chile.. :]
Other: My HDD :] And My friend's too.