Text File
Title : Babylon 5 DoomSounds v1.1
Filename : B5_DOOM.WAD
Author : Karel P Kerezman
Email Address : rael@europa.com
"Rael" on CoUL BBS, Portland OR
(see 'Where to get...' below)
Misc. Author Info : Bab-5 devotee, music collector, sound maven,
bicycles to keep his 'girlish figure.'
Description : Sounds from the truly excellent TV
series Babylon 5, of course!
Additional Credits to : J.M.S. and crew, for bringing us B5!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : N/A
Single Player : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A
Difficulty Settings : Not necessary
New Sounds : Yes (Duh.)
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : Sound files found on AOL taken from Babylon 5.
Various recordings yielded different levels of
playback quality, but in the heat of battle, I
don't think you'll notice anything amiss...
v1.1 has sounds I personally culled from Voice
in the Wilderness pt II, mostly because of
some nifty battle sounds... and Ivanova's best
line ever...
Editor(s) used : DMAUD v1.1, Master FX for Windows
Known Bugs : Bugs? In a sound patch? Not even a pesky
Vorlon. Some of the sounds are currently a
bit overlong, maybe. So far I had Doom crash
once while playing a newly downloaded level PWAD
and haven't been able to repeat the incident
since. Of course, use at your own risk, etc.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. (If
you think it will help.)
You may do whatever you want with this file. All I ask is that you at
least give me some credit along the way for getting the ball rolling.
And if you like this one, just wait until you see what I have in mind
next! (Besides some improvements to B5_DOOM, of course...)
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: wcarchive.cdrom.com, where most of the good iD-related stuff
can be found. I will be dropping a note to the folks at hyperion.com to
include a pointer to this PWAD in their copious Babylon 5 information
BBS numbers: Church of Unholy Love (503) 231-3763 14.4k and everywhere
fine DOOM PWADs are found. (I can dream, can't I?)
And, as it reads on the tail end of the MST3K credits,
"Keep circulating the tapes!"