Text File
WARNING: deu53b9.zip contains sub-directories. If you are using InfoZip's
unzip program, you won't have any problems. But if you are using
PKWare's pkunzip, you must use it with "-d": "pkunzip -d deu53bs9".
This archive (deu53b9.zip) contains the source code and a sample executable
for DEU 5.3 beta 9. If you have a copy of a previous beta version, please
delete it and use this one instead. Likewise, when the next beta (or the
final version) is released, please delete this file and use the newer version.
The compiled version (DEU.EXE) included in this archive was compiled with
GCC (DJGPP 1.12m3). The DOS extender GO32.EXE is included too, but not the
graphics drivers. If you don't have any graphics drivers for DJGPP, you
should get them either from DEU521GCC.ZIP (the GCC version of DEU 5.21) or
from any SimTel FTP mirror (such as oak.oakland.edu), in /pub/msdos/djgpp/.
If you are not familiar with DJGPP and GO32, you should read the DJGPP FAQ
or the documentation included in DEU521GCC.ZIP. Do not forget to customize
and execute RUNME.BAT before starting DEU.
If you have a C compiler, you may also recompile DEU, using another DOS
extender if necessary. DEU should compile and run with Turbo C 3.0, Borland
C 3.1, 4.0 and 4.5, DJGPP (GCC + GO32) and Watcom C. You may also compile
DEU under Linux, using the SVGA graphics library, or under any UNIX system
using X11 (including Linux). There is also a specific support for Silicon
Graphics machines using GL. All you have to do if you want to use a different
graphics library is to use the right version of G_GFX???.C and G_MOU???.C when
you compile. Read the file INSTALL in the source directory for more
information. Note: please do not ask us how to compile or how to use DEU. We
are busy working on the program and if you have a problem you'd better wait for
the next version instead of e-mailing us. Thanks for your understanding.
This beta version is NOT a fully working version of DEU 5.3. If you look
at the source code, you will discover many features that are currently not
integrated in the user interface. Some of these features have been commented
out, enclosed between #ifdefs, or are simply not called from the user
interface (the functions are there, but not used). All these features will be
available in the official release of DEU 5.3, and maybe in the next beta
Since this is only a temporary version of the code, please do NOT send
bug reports: we know what is missing and what does not work yet; we only
need some time to write the missing parts of the code. You may submit
patches, though. If you think that some part of the code could be improved
and you know how to do it, feel free to write a patch and send it to us.
But it is also possible that by the time you send it, a new version of
DEU is released with the code already modified...
Known bugs and missing features:
- Using the mouse on a scrollbar or in a list will crash or freeze the
program. Use the keyboard instead.
- The map is redrawn everytime an object is moved on the map (like in
DEU 5.21).
- The statistics (WAD rating) are not reliable. They will crash the program
when used on a large map.
- Using cut/copy/paste will crash the program in some cases.
- The dialog boxes for editing the LineDefs and SideDefs have not been
re-designed yet. Editing the textures or trigger effect of a LineDef takes
a lot of time and patience...
- The menu entry for Undo/Redo does not display the name of the operation
to be undone, although it is stored with the undo data.
- There is only one level of "undo" (Ctrl-U).
- There is no way (from the user interface) to change the mask for Things.
- When merging two LineDefs, the SideDefs are not modified correctly.
- The library of common shapes (templates) is not included in the archive
and not available in the user interface.
- The styles (themes) and macros for texture names are not fully implemented.
- the 3D preview module (prev_3d.c a.k.a. preview.c for SGI) has not been
included in the archive.
- You can only load one map at a time, although the code has been modified
to support simultaneous editing of multiple maps.
- You can only have one window open at a time, although the code supports
multiple windows.
- The reject data is not rebuilt correctly: even in "normal" mode, some
monsters will no attack the player.
- I haven't had the time to add the new LineDef and Sector types for Heretic.
- ...
Please read the INSTALL file for some comments about compiling and installing
DEU. The file REAME.OLD contains old stuff that could be interesting for you
if you want to know more about the source code. For more information, read
the source code and try to understand what it does...
Remember that we distribute this beta version because some users (including
you?) wanted to try it, but we do not need feedback yet. We will let you
know in the next beta version if we want bug reports or not. If you have
any questions, you may post them on rec.games.computer.doom.editing (the
newsgroup for Doom editing techniques) but do not e-mail us directly.