Text File
One year and the flaming corpses of three Doom editors later...
Da Crypt!!
(What IS it with alla these DM levs anyways?!? Deathmatch is okay for
a couple of minutes, but what could possibly compare to the chill
you get when it's just you. Alone. Against....them.-???)
Created by: BOSCO (bosco@rspinc.com)
Anyway, in creating this virtual fun-fest I had to ask myself some
important questions. Mainly, "Why bother making yet another damn wad
when there's billions available out there already?". The answer was
twofold. One: 99.9% of all those wads REALLY SUCK!! I'm sorry, but
you know it's true. And of the ones that don't suck, most are real
puzzle oriented, which is okay, but not what attracted me to DOOM
in the first place. I wanted a cool looking environment, a playground
if you will, where I could run around and encounter cool shit and be
challenged on a physical/skill/strategy level, rather than retracing
friggin' steps for hours trying to find a switch or a key or where that
sound is coming from. Puzzles are fine, but once you've solved it,
what's the attraction for going back? I'll tell you. None. The other
thing I hate are levels, however well desingned, that are SO HARD that
I feel compelled to use the cheats to get through.
So, THE CRYPT! While you DO need to find keys and switches, they
tend to present themselves in your path. They are used as a way to
guide you through the massive environment I've created, and (I think
I might be the first to adhere to this philosophy) WHEN YOU HIT A SWITCH
when I hit a switch and then have to backtrack all over the damn place
trying to see what it did, or use the map!! Of course, I hate having the
status bar displayed while I'm playing too. It ruins the realism.
I have spent ages perfecting the enemy placement on this level. It is
tricky to use the enemy AI to create cool "situations". Most wadsters
settle for the "a big door opens and 12 hell barons, 5 arch viles and
some imps come out..." usually this occurs when your back is to the
wall and there's no where to run. WHAT BUNK!! Give me something I can use!
-That's what THE CRYPT is all about. A concerted attempt to create a
level that's fun AND challenging. THE CRYPT is about skulking and strafing
and sniping and strategy! the surroundings were designed for multiple
strategic methods. Use the enemies' AI against them! Use cover to
defend! Find alternate routes to circle around the enemy and lure them
to where YOU have the advantage! THAT'S the Crypt. Not tedious teleporter
puzzles or obnoxiously placed keys and powerups. Not swarms of enemies
that can only be dispersed with the BFG. In fact there IS no BFG. No
annoying, tedious Cyberdemons, either. Just cool stuff, and a kick ass,
well-tuned challenge that doesn't force you to use the cheats!.
What more do you want?
Par for this giant level without cheats and 100% across the board is 33:12
Please feel free to contact me at the above Internet address and let me
know if you like or dislike my philosophies on WADmaking, and let me know
which WADs you think rule. I like to argue!
for: DOOM 2
map: 01
single player: THE ONLY WAY!!
cooperative: huh?
deathmatch: The player starts are there....but I don't think so.
difficulty levels: NO WAY!! This level was painstakingly designed to be
fully playable at ultra violence. WITHOUT cheat codes.
If I did well, players of any skill level will be able
to enjoy this. SO BE A MAN (or woman) AND GET OVER IT!!
new sounds: YES!! 100% kick ass soundage!!! (turn the music OFF!!!)
new musics: naw.
new graphics/sprites: YES!! You get--The cool sky tex from e1m1(what happened to
the skies in D2??? Yucch!!) you get a WAY cool brown stone
tex and and accompanying door, AND if you act now, you also
recieve the BEST MACHINE GUN EVER and the shoulder mounted
missle launcher! -Oh yeah, you also get a right handed pistol.
(I guess the artists at ID are lefties or something.)
known bugs: A few instances of the "sliver glitch" that I couldn't get
rid of, and this weird effect involving the midbars tex.
It occurs in a very dark room, you enter and to the right
you can see through the midbars texture into another small
room with the green nukeage floor. You will notice that the
midbars tex seems to be tiling down into the floor(even though
midbars isn't a tile-able tex!) but later, when the room
lights up to full brightness, everything looks fine. ?!?!?
I created and playtested this WAD on a 486dx2-66 with mucho RAM.
There is considerable slowdown in the last two areas of the level. I have
done everything I can think of to speed it up, but only achieved marginal
gains. So, if your machine is any slower than mine, you probably should
pass on this WAD. Sorry. And if you somehow manage to speed it up let me
know so I can update the file. Also, this file works best on ver. 1.9, on
1.666 there seem to be many more "sliver glitches".
The file CRYPT.ZIP should include:
BOSCO1.WAD = The level and all additional coolness
DEUSF.EXE = The cool util that puts in the sprites
CRYPT.TXT = This file (duuuhhhh)
PIS.DEH = If you know how to use DEHACKED, this file
will make the right handed pistol look a
little better when it shoots.(takes the jerkiness
CRYPT.BAT = This tells DEUSF and DOOM2 what to do and puts
it all together for ya. Then it returns
everything to normal when ya quit. No fuss,
no muss
Just unzip these files into your DOOM2 directory and type CRYPT.
To use the optional PIS.DEH patch, you need to know how to use
DEHACKED and what the ramifications are, so I won't explain it.
Okay, It's like this...
About a year ago I started with DOOMED 2.something, because I liked (and
still like) Geoff Allan's interface best. Unfortunately, somewhere around the
100k mark it started to puke on my map. I tried DEU and some others at the
time, but no other editor could successfully open and or save my map. So I
put it away for a while.
Much later I got the DOOM bug again and decided to see if DOOMED had been
upgraded. It had, so I tried it again. I got to the 125k mark before it
hurled. Again, I tried DEU, and this time I was able to continue construction
of THE CRYPT. At least until I hit the 200k mark. Then it started screwing
up some of my linedefs' sector refs and adding illegal tex names, etc.
Annoyed that I had been denied when so close to completeion, I went on an
Internet rampage and tried EVERY editor I could find. Only DCK could carry
on my mission. Now, I don't like DCK's interface much, and it crashed a bunch
of times, but it was the only one capable of letting me create this 300+k
masterpiece, so until DOOMED catches up, it's the only editor I will use.
Then, noticing the advanced level of slowdown I was achieving as my map grew,
I applied RMB on it to optimise the REJECT and speed it up. Some people like
WARM. WARM13 rendered my wad unloadable by DOOM. WARM14 could render a
playable wad, but introduced MANY HOMs and medusa effects. Plus, it's
"documentation" SUCKS!!! IT SUCKS!!! RMB is WAY better and easier to use.
So there. Oh yeah, and I had to use BSP 1.2x from the command line, because
for some reason the same code runs about 100000 times slower from within DCK!
Oh! And then I used WINTEX to put it all together! YAY!
DON'T jump into the lake right away to investigate the pillar with
the blue key on it. Unless you're some kind of ultimate badass, you
will regret it.
USE COVER!! Enemies cannot shoot through walls! Use that to your advantage!
Let the monsters do some of the work for you! They hate each other!!
Keep moving!!
And remember, the WIMPY shotgun is real good for sniping barrels at
long range....heh heh.
cool sounds that I ripped off! (in my defense though, I must admit that few
of the purloined sounds were used as-was, most of them had to be cleaned up,
volume increased, etc. and then I did things like add echo and slow down the
speed and in many cases I spliced two or three different sounds together to
create even better ones, SO THERE!!)
And of course to ID for taking away all my free time and making my girlfriend
hate me!!
You may NOT use this level to generate your own. But, who'd want to anyway?
(that doesn't apply to the sounds or my cool textures though, use them
at will, just give credit where it is due) You may not charge for these
files, or include them on any compilations, etc. that require purchasement
in any form without cutting me in.