Mentzer, for helping me with the Doom Editor environment, and giving me tips throughout.
Chuck (, for getting me through some pretty though problems.
Matt Tagliaferri, for making Doomcad 5.0.
And, yes, of course, the guys down at id Software for creating a plague, the disease of DOOM!
Text File
Title : DeathMatch at The Arena!!
Filename : TheArena.wad
Author : Michael Marcotte
Email Address :
or if on AOL, just BeasteBoyz
Description : A new DeathMatch arena based around one central
area. Every player starts off in an isolated
place. Many secrets and traps exist
throughout the level. Teleporters in that
central area take the players about the level
looking for powerups, weapons, and yes
quality fragging!
Additional Credits to : Mentzer, for helping me with the Doom Editor
environment, and giving me tips throughout.
Chuck (, for getting me through some
pretty though problems.
Matt Tagliaferri, for making Doomcad 5.0.
And, yes, of course, the guys down at id Software
for creating a plague, the disease of DOOM!
* Play Information *
Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes, but there's really no point because there's
only ONE monster.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No, for the reasons above.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : The ONLY way to play!!!
Difficulty Settings : No difference really, Blood will be splattered all
over the place regardless!
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : My own freaky imagination!
Editor(s) used : DoomCad 5.0
Known Bugs : None that I can find! If you see any,
leave me a note...
* Copyright / Permissions *
If you are going to modify this WAD and distribute it, please give me credit.
* Where to get this WAD *