Text File
Codename : CONGO (Congo collection #1)
Filename : JAZZ01.WAD
Date : Saturday, June 24, 1995
Author : Ritche Macalaguim
Email Address : macalaguim@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : An artist, writer, poet, computer hobbyist,
DoomII Deathmatch Opponent, and inspiring
PWAD designer... :)
Description : This is the first installment of the ... "JAZZ
DEATHMATCH SERIES" and also the first PWAD I've
ever created. I put a great amount of time and
thought into this piece of work... so I hope
you DOOMers out there won't be disappointed...
This level is small/medium in size and intended
for DEATHMATCHES... All the weapons are mostly
in plain sight (some work is needed to get to
them)... except for the BFG... (which is hidden
and takes some fancy footwork to get to...)
I've also included monsters for SINGLE and COOP
play... and the EXIT takes some figuring out to
reveal... (HINT: there are no keys) This WAD can
also be played at different skill levels.
Story (Single/Coop) : Code-named "CONGO", this WAD takes place in an
abandoned section of the Congo where the mining
of diamonds once flourished... As part of the
United Earth Alien Termination Program the UAC
has assigned you and your team to eliminate all
evil monsters and discover the secrets of the
abandoned mines to return safely...
If you enjoyed this PWAD or have any questions
about it... please let me know. You can reach
me at macalaguim@aol.com ...
Special Thanks to : Arvin Viernes & Michael Arreola (PWAD testers)
David Lea (Phoenix Software), Pavel Hodek
(Doom Guru from Czech Republic), Mark Anthony
Klem (MK3.WAD), Genesis Krzyzaniak (GKDM7.WAD)
Additional Credits to : Jeff Rabenhorst ............. Edmap 1.40
Robert Fenske, Jr. .......... WARM 1.4
Sensor Based Systems, Inc. .. DeePBSP 3.1c
Denis Moller ................ NWT 1.3
id Software (DOOM II)
* Play Information *
Level # : 01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
DeathMatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : All
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes (JAZZ Signature, Ending Credits)
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Time to build : About two months of late night work from
ideas sketched on paper to near-finished
sectors... and either Yanni, Kenny G, or
FourPlay quietly playing in the background...
Editor(s) used : Edmap v1.40 (Jeff Rabenhorst)
OS used : MS-DOS 6.22
Known Bugs : Slight HOM effect :) (difficult to find tho)
Testers : Arvin Viernes
Michael Arreola
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
NO MODIFICATIONS PLEASE... I have invested well over 200+ long hours
building, testing, aligning and constantly changing this level... so
please repect my hard work... THANKS!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with NO
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
You MAY NOT include this WAD on a CD-ROM that you plan to charge people
for UNLESS you a) notify me and b) send me a free copy of the CD-ROM as
you plan to distribute it.
JAZZ01.WAD is Copyright 1995 by Ritche Macalaguim
DOOM II(tm), Hell on Earth is Copyright 1994 by id Software
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS sites: Head-2-Head BBS (619-426-0073) San Diego, CA USA
Other: America Online