Text File
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| M I K E ' S S O U N D S F O R D O O M (and DOOM II) |
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Title (Once Again) : Mike's sounds for DOOM/DOOM II
MIKESNDS.TXT - This text file.
Author : Michael Lundy
Posting From : pdjlundy@cts.com (DON'T e-mail me!)
Email Address : None, so don't use the above address!
Misc. Author Info : I am 13 years old, and I have written
many other WADs such as:
...and I might have written other
WADs that I forgot about, too.
* WAD Description *
Brief Description : A COMPLETE replacement of all the
DOOM II sounds. This will work with
DOOM one, but will waste a lot of
space if you never use it with
WAD features : + 107 new sounds for DOOM II
+ All were done with my microphone
+ It's pretty funny, also
WAD info in more detail : Every single sound of DOOM II is
replaced in this WAD with some of my
own sounds that I recorded with just
a cheap sound recorder, an old Teac
microphone, and a lot of effects I
used. The explosions were made by
trying to imitate an explosion while
blowing on it at the same time. I
quietly yelled up close to get the
sound to be "distorted".
Won't fully work with : Heretic, because it won't change the
sounds on it.
Won't work at all with : A severed monkey's paw that just
spanked it's own self.
Big Thanks to : Microsoft, for the sound recorder
Teac (tm) for their microphone.
Oliver Montanuy for DeuTex 3.5
Id Software.
The IBM computer.
Life in general.
Additional Credits to : My brother, Matt for making the gross
sound recorded as DSBGSIT1.
3 1/2 inch disks, for the reload
* Play Information *
Map Number : N/A
Single Player : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A
Difficulty Settings : This ain't no level
New Sounds : Yup. All 107 of them.
New Graphics : Nope.
New Music : No.
Demos Replaced : None
Anything Else Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : New WAD from scratch
Main Editor(s) used : MS Sound Recorder, DeuTex 3.5
Other Editor(s) used : None.
Build Time : 3 weeks, on and off.
Known Bugs : None, but you might want to turn your
sound down halfway.
Future Improvements : None.
* Troubleshooting *
Problem: The sound is too loud.
Solution: Turn it down at least halfway.
Problem: This is stupid.
Solution: That's your problem, not mine.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this WAD as a base to build additional
You may do whatever you want with this file, as long as you give
credit that I, the author, can easily find in the text file.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers: None.
Other: None.