Playtesters: Nileppez, Rabbitt, Core, Slippey, Asianpwr, Asiandud, Taz, Que All the guys at id for making this AWESOME game, even though we had to stretch the limits a bit. DWANGO, for providing the most awesome multi- player server ever!
Text File
Title : DEATHTAG: Revolutionary Team play for Doom ][
Filename : DETHTAG.WAD
Authors : Talon & Aikman
Email Address : Talon :
Aikman :
Description : Totally new team game that works within Doom ]['s
current architecture. Deathtag requires that
a team score 5 points (score is tallied WITHIN
the map), and once a team scores 5 points, you
can exit or reset the level and start again..
perfect for matches of more than one game.
Additional Credits to : Playtesters: Nileppez, Rabbitt, Core, Slippey,
Asianpwr, Asiandud, Taz, Que
All the guys at id for making this AWESOME game,
even though we had to stretch the limits a bit.
DWANGO, for providing the most awesome multi-
player server ever!
* Play Information *
Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes, to check out the level
Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! Designed for TEAM PLAY!
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes - New Intermission and Title screens, and
a few others
New Music : Yes - It Rocks!
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : Scratch
Editor(s) used : DEU for Doom ][ v 6.66, Edmap 1.31, Dmapedit 4.011
Paintshop Pro v 2.0, Aldus Photostyler, NWT 1.03
Build Time : 1 week
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this concept as a base to build additional levels. However,
we would appreciate your not using this map to build upon.
* Where to get this WAD *
The Wall (DWANGO BBS) 214-286-8291 (Use username DWANGO for instant access)