Text File
Grok-It.wad for Heretic
The Heretic world meets the Doom world and the Modern world
5 months in the making
4 all new levels
360 degree blue sky with clouds, moons
Over 40 original textures
One new animated texture
6 new ambient sounds
all new music
vintage automobiles
Gas Bag surfing
Requires *no* changes to your Heretic.exe or Heretic.wad
Check it out, it's a Grok from Dan Teeter
-From the same guy who brought you Surreal2.wad
and Surreal1.wad
Standard Info:
Title : Grok-It.wad (for Heretic)
Author : Dan Teeter
Email Address : dteeter@aol.com or dteeter@inchq.com
Description :
Grok-It is designed to look and feel
different from a standard ID wad. It includes a
number of traps and puzzles. Many parts of Grok-It
have epic scenery. Some parts are better
survived by running, other parts are designed for
maximum gratuitous carnage. Mostly designed for single
combat, the last level, however will make an excellent
deathmatch arena. This is a PWAD only and requires
no changes to the Doom exe.
Additional Credits to : To Matt Tagliaferri for making the easiest to use Doom
editor, Doomcad 6.0. To Olivier Montanuy for making
Deutex,and Wintex:the coolest wad-exploding,
rebuilding utilities ever. To Renaud Paquay and the DEU
team for making an extremely powerful editor that's easy
to use (WinDeu 5.24). To Colin Reed and Robert Fenske Jr.
for making some bitch'in node builders. To the guys who
made Trinity.wad for showing us all how to
stretch the Doom engine. To Warren Rice for
midi sequencing of "Hurt" and "Closer" from
Nine Inch Nails. To Christopher Roy for midi sequencing
of "A Warm Place" and "Ruiner" by Nine Inch Nails.
Oh yeah! and of course thanks to the bitch'n dudes
at ID for producing Doom, Doom2, and Heretic
and for being so cool as to allow users to make
their own levels!
* Play Information *
Map # : E2M1 E2M2 E2M3 E2M4 (Heretic)
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : E2M4 is good for Death match
Difficulty Settings : All
New Sounds : Yes
New Wall Textures : Over 40
360 Degree Sky : Yes
New Sprites : No
New Animated Graphics : Yes
New Music : 4 Nine Inch Nails songs
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Build Time : about 5 months off and on
Editor(s) used : Doomcad 6.0 beta - basic build, error checking
WinDeu 5.24 - advanced sector tweaking,
pro-active bug fixing
Doomcad 4.3 - seductively easy, buggy copy
and paste
Wintex 3.4 - Texture, Sound, and music addition
Warm 1.4 - very good node, reject builder
Other Apps : Adobe Photoshop for Windows, Kai Power Tools for
Windows, Windows 95, ATI Video basic card and software
Known Bugs : Get the 1.0 to 1.2 patch for Heretic or you will
see flashes of sky when crossing some sectors in
E2M2. E2M1 and E2M3 may run slow on 486's due
to the number of gas bags. I set up difficulty
Levels 1-2 to have fewer gas bags for these levels.
On the very outsides of E1M4 you may see a couple
of slight HOM's
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may *not* use these levels as a base to build additional
You may only distribute this PWAD provided you include this electronic
document with no modifications. Further, you may not transfer Grok-It.wad
in whole or in part on CDROM or Floppy for the purposes of commercial
distribution without my prior written consent. However, I will not consent
to any such distribution where the charge to the customer will be greater
than $17 dollars U.S. In addition I will require one copy of any CDROM or
Floppy for sale for confirmation that these directions have been followed.
The primary purpose of this provision is to exert some effect on the
outrageous prices which have been billed to Doom and Heretic users.
This add-on for Heretic is not supported in any way by ID Software!
I disclaim all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied,
including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, data integrity or protection.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com, and mirrors
America Online (when they get around to posting it)
Grok-It.wad, a Grok from Dan Teeter
*Explosive Dog Productions. Copyright 1995*