Text File
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| G E T Y O U R G U N ! |
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Title (Once Again) : Get Your Gun! (No relation to that
dumb song... "Hey, Beavis. It doesn't
sound like that kind of voice would
come out of that kind of face..."
File List : GET_YOUR.WAD - The Get Your Gun WAD.
GET_YOUR.TXT - This text file.
Release Date : 8-15-95
Author : Michael Lundy
Posting From : pdjlundy@cts.com (Don't use for email)
Email Address : None.
Misc. Author Info : I am the author of 14 WADs so far. All
of the levels have 99.9% perfect
texture alignment.
Other WADs By Author : Houses 1.3
Pond of the Deathmatch Crater
Cargo Landing Pad
Gorilla Gore
Water Flood & Gorilla Gore II
Get Your Gun (This is it.)
Shareware Heretic Textures for DOOM II
Dark Forces Rifle Patch
Deathmatch by Mike
Mike's Hoboken Fix
Beavis & Butt-head's House
Two Houses
107 new sounds from my mic
...any other WADs I made that weren't
mentioned were probably put in
Houses 1.3
Coming Soon from Author : Wicked Barons & Spectres, an ULTIMATE
DOOM level.
Houses 1.4
Brief Description : Single player level for DOOM II
Cool Stuff : + Two new textures
+ Skill levels set
+ Playable on Deathmatch
WAD Info in More Detail : This is my third single player level.
Like my other two levels, I tried to
make this fun in all modes of play.
It includes two new textures that were
used before in the other levels.
Story Line : You are in front of your computer
downloading my WAD. At the bottom of
the screen, it says, "Document: Done,"
You close Netscape and Winsock and
quit Windows. You unzip the file to
the DOOM2 directory. But just as soon
as you press enter after typing DOOM2
-FILE GET_YOUR.WAD, a hole breaks
under your seat, and you fall through.
As you fall, the sky turns into a
sunset. Then you hit the ground. Being
the DOOMer you are, you survive a long
fall with a small grunt. The only way
out of here is through.
Won't fully work with : Nothing.
Won't work at all with : Anything besides DOOM II of any
Big Thanks to : Jason Hoffoss for DMapEdit 4.0.11
Adrian Cable for ADE II 5.25
Id Software
Additional Credits to : Oliver Montanuy for DeuTex 3.6
OSCS for NeoPaint 2.2
Zink the Dink for EnDOOMer 1.0.1
The Innocent Crew for the handrail
MS for the text editor
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Map Number : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes. Two new textures.
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
Anything Else Replaced : Yes. The ending screen
* Construction *
Base : New WAD from scratch
Main Editor(s) used : DMapEdit 4.0.11, ADE2 5.25
Other Editor(s) used : DeuTex 3.6, NeoPaint 2.2, EnDOOMer
4.0.11, MS-DOS editor
Build Time : A couple weeks.
Known Bugs : None.
Other Problems : None.
Future Improvements : I might make an episode out of these
levels I've made.
* Installation *
Put the WAD in your DOOM2 directory, bla bla bla!
Required to Have in Dir : Just the WAD.
* Troubleshooting *
The only problems that could arise are because of your stupidity
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this WAD as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com).
BBS numbers: None.
Other: None.
* Final Note to SysOp/FTP Crew/Or Other People *
I don't have anything to say this time.