Text File
Title : FATE02.WAD "Fate Series"
Date Finished : 8/04/95
Author : Thomas Evans
Email Address : wierdo@ix.netcom.com
Other Files By Author : Getem.wad & Fate01.wad
Misc. Author Info : 17 year old computer nerd.
Description : This is the second of yet another series to be found
on the Internet. It is just under-way so be
patient. It'll take some time to get the next one
out. This level is chock full of action and
adventure! Yeeees folks, THIS is what you've all
been waiting for!! FATE! Listen to that name!
It's in your destiny! You will play this level and
you will enjoy it! All hail FATE!!
Additional Credits to : Deu makers and Id. And whoever created the piece
of artwork I used for the title screen. Very good.
* Type of DOOM II file*
New level WAD : Yes
Required To Have In Dir : Nothin special... just the game.
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 02
Episode and Level # : ---
Single Player : Yes (designed for)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No. (There is plenty of them around already)
Difficulty Settings : No, why bother?
New Sounds : No
New Music : Yes
New Graphics : Yes... bitchin' title screen! And Fate logo on
a door.
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : week or two or three ... I dunno.
Editor(s) used : Deu2 & Deutex
Known Bugs : Zero - zilch - none - zippo - nada
May Not Run With... : These things are boring to write.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. Just be sure to let me know.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. Just be sure to let me know.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors
BBS numbers:
Other: Me : E-mail to wierdo@ix.netcom.com
WWW: http:\www.islandnet.com\~ccaird\doom (good site ;)
Watch for more of "FATE"!