Text File
Title: Jerky Boys Doom Sound Wad
File name: Jerky2.wad
Author: Ryan Weiss
Email Address: CROSSIS@aol.com
Misc. Author info: Ryan Weiss is also the author of the ACE VENTURA Sound wad, The
NIRVANA sound wad, and co-author of the MARS PLAGUE. A "Censored Copy" of Jerky
Doom is available on America Online
Description: The sounds of Frank Rizo, Saul Rosenberg, and many others are here for your
listening pleasure. Brush up on your insults and street vocabulary and play DOOM, Jerky
Additional Credits to: My wife, for putting up with may too many hours of DOOMing, and
the Jerky Boys, for elevating a childish prank into an Art form.
* Play information*
Episode and Level #: ALL
Single Player: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes
Difficuly Settings: Yes
New Sounds: YES
New Graphics: No
Demos replaced: None
* Construction *
Base: New Sound wad sampled from JERKY BOYS I and II.
Editor used: DMaud
Known Bugs: nope
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels
You may do whatever you want with this file.
*Where to get this Wad*
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers: