Text File
Title : Purgatory
Filename : purgatry.wad
Author : Stuart E. Duff
Email Address : stuart_duff@mcimail.com
Misc. Author Info : Windows NT VC++ Developer
Description : 5 DOOM ][ levels replacing MAP01 through MAP05
Additional Credits to : James Hwu for playtesting/deathmatching.
* Play Information *
Map# : MAP01 through MAP05
MAP01 "Stonewall"
MAP02 "Neighbors"
MAP03 "Catacombs"
MAP04 "Lift of death"
MAP05 "Blood Canyon"
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes, see notes below
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : All new levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK Version 2.2, RMB Version 2.1
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
* Misc Notes *
These levels are designed to be playable using single player, cooperative,
and deathmatch modes. They are small enough for 2-player deathmatch and
large enough for single player. I took care to keep the levels simple
enough so that slowdown won't occur, but there is plenty of detail and
The levels are non-linear, allowing for multiple strategies. There are
many windows and ledges for sniping.
The difficulty levels determine how many and what type enemies there are.
The difficulty levels also determine what types of weapons are available.
This is useful for deathmatch, so you can choose what weapons to use. Here
is a chart of difficulty levels and weapons available:
Difficulty level 1 2 3 4 5
Weapons --- --- --- --- ---
Pistol yes yes yes yes yes
Shotgun yes yes yes yes yes
SuperShotgun yes yes yes yes yes
Chaingun no no yes yes yes
Rocket Launcher no no yes yes yes
Plasma Gun no no no yes* yes*
BFG no no no yes* yes*
* Plasma gun and BFG are available for multiplayer only, except for
MAP03, which has the plasma gun, and MAP04, which has the BFG,
for single as well as multiplayer.
In other words, if you are single player at Ultra-Violent, you don't see
the plasma gun until MAP03, and you don't see the BFG until MAP04.
For hints on how to win, I have provided an .lmp for each map that
demonstrates starting out with a pistol at difficulty 4 (Ultra-Violent)
and getting (almost) 100% of everything with no cheating. The .lmp's
were recorded with DOOM ][ version 1.666.
Here is a description of each level:
MAP01 "Stonewall" - demo file stonewal.lmp
The demons have built themselves a green stone building and
intend to defend it vigorously.
MAP02 "Neighbors" - demo file neighbor.lmp
Real estate is cheap in this lovely neighborhood. Inspect the
charming homes and swimming pool. Meet and greet your new
neighbors after moving in.
MAP03 "Catacombs" - demo file catacomb.lmp
You'll need the plasma gun to get the archvile. The ledges are
wide and easy to stay on, unless you get lifted into the air.
MAP04 "Lift of death" - demo file lftofdth.lmp
Try to get the monsters on the lift to fight eachother. The BFG
and Chainsaw are gettable - see the .lmp for how.
MAP05 "Blood Canyon" - demo file bldcanyn.lmp
Best to fight from inside the mountain at first. You don't have to
engage the cyberdemon to exit the level, but there are plenty of
rockets and lots of maneuvering room in the canyon.