Id (of course), Brendon Wyber (DEU), Raphal Quinet (DEU), Per Allanson (DJGPP/GO32 version of DEU--FAST!!!), Colin Reed and Dylan Cuthbert (BSP1.1X), Lee Witek (Reject 1.0), Matt Fell (Unofficial DOOM Specs, which really helped in understanding what the heck I was even doing), and Hank Leukart (kept us all up on what was going on).
Text File
Title : Frag Festival
Filename : FRGFST21.WAD
Author : Nathan Oelger
Email Address :
Misc. Author Info : Nothing of interest. :)
Description : Very big (over 550 sectors) deathmatch level with
many different areas including a large death arena,
a room with many disorienting elevators, some
strategically placed lighting, a couple of one-way
walls, etc. Also, if you want to end the level, it
will take a lot of work, but not necessarily
cooperation. I suggest playing on difficulties 1,
2, or 3 with "-respawn", or on difficulty 4 without
"-respawn", unless you are really cool. :)
Since this level is so big, you might try hunting
each other down in "cooperative" mode, so you can
see where your "friend" is. (I've played for over
a half an hour before without seeing my "friend")
Also, you might want to look really hard, and you
might find some secret areas that you might use to
your advantage. (Maybe even use an editor to find
them) Well, enough of this, let's get to the
important stuff.
Additional Credits to : Id (of course), Brendon Wyber (DEU), Raphal Quinet (DEU), Per
Allanson (DJGPP/GO32 version of DEU--FAST!!!),
Colin Reed and Dylan Cuthbert (BSP1.1X), Lee Witek
(Reject 1.0), Matt Fell (Unofficial DOOM Specs,
which really helped in understanding what the heck
I was even doing), and Hank Leukart (kept us all up
on what was going on).
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E2M1
Single Player : Yes, for "looking"
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, see above
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, see above
Difficulty Settings : Yes, also try "-respawn" on lower difficulty levels
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : About 60 hours, yuk!
Editor(s) used : DEU 5.1, DEU 5.2, DEU GCC 5.2, DEU GCC 5.21,
BSP 1.1X, and REJECT 1.0 (I think it speeded it up
just a bit)
DEU is Cool! Although it's nodes-builder does
have a 512 sector limit afterwhich it crashes.
Known Bugs : None are know, e-mail me about any you find.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may do whatever you want with this file as long as both of the following
requirements are met:
1. I am given some sort of credit, such as this file being included OR even
a simple ". . . and thanx to Nathan Oelger ( for . .
." if this is used as a base for other wads, or stuff like that.
2. This file is not to be used to bring physical harm to any person, such as
including subliminal messages causing players to commit suicide, or kill
others. And please don't edit this wad file to crash, and wipe out the CMOS
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
This is my first pwad, (even though it took me a few weeks to complete) so
please no flames. E-mail me constructive criticism, compliments, or if you
just want to tell me that I'm really cool. :) I will be releasing my
second level sometime in the next week or two. It will be called something
like "Penta-frag". It includes five elevators that move up and down, and
depending on the height of the elevator at any time, you may go in one of
eight different directions. (It isn't nearly as big)
Have fun, and DOOM on!