Text File
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Title : THE ENTRYWAY 2.1, 1st Level in The UNHOLY Series
Copyright @1995 by John Walker IV
Author : John Walker IV for DOOM II
E-mail Address : unholy@primenet.com
Other Files by Author : UNHOLY02.WAD; UNHOLYD1.WAD
: 31 levels to come in this Series (hopefully).
Misc Author Info : DOOM fanatic...
SPC in the US Army (92y) Unit Supply Specialist
Additional Credits : My wife for her patience.
: Paul Sterud for putting up with my anoying calls:
"Dude, check out the wad now, I added another
: A guy nicknamed ||BARON|| who I met on IRC (my
first playtester who was a complete stranger).
: John W. Anderson for the disclaimer.
: All the authors for all the editors and other
utilities I used for creation.
: Everyone at Id Software for allowing people like
me to create my own world! Not to mention a great
game! Hip Hip ...
Description : You're not a space marine, not yet... Just last
week, you received a message via secret channels
that you were to report to the "Axe" chapter of
marines ASAP for inprocessing. You're blood was
As an initiation, you're fellow marines decided to
initiate you by sending you to an abondoned castle
back on Earth. All you had to do was survive the
night while they hunted you down like an animal...
Or so everyone thought. Unknown to you or your
comrades, the abandoned castle was actually a
hiding place for the leftover demons from "The
Cleansing" (the historic name for the events that
happened in Doom2). You found yourself fighting
for your life from the start, and as you made your
way through the castle, you eventually came across
the bodies of you campanions, or what was left of
them after the hell knights where finished.
Make your way through the "Entryway" and destroy
all the evil you may find within. Sure you could
run back to base and get reinforcements, but then
you just couldn't live with yourself as a real,
hard-core space marine....
The level is meant to look like one single building.
You might just notice the attention to detail I
tried to take into account when creating the level.
The outside of the building and anything else that
might be exposed to weather has a stone, brick, or
bronze texture. BUT, close inspections of the
brick textures will show that those openly exposed
to the outside are beaten and falling apart, while
those inside the building still look new.
Nothing much, but I though it was kind of clever :)
Also, look how the outside walls above the red key
are lower than the cage sections. Again, nothing
much but I thought that was clever too.
Instructions : Put UNHOLY01.WAD in your DOOM 2 directory, type
"doom2 -file unholy01.wad -warp 01 -skill <#>"
Yes, it really is that easy! But, if you still
don't get it, there is a batch file included that
will do it for you.
Disclaimer : I assume no responsibility for anything of any sort
in any way, shape, or form--now, then, henceforeward
in this life (or the next several) for any screw-ups
or even minor inconveniences this PWAD causes you,
your family, your relatives, friends, ancestors,
associates, employers, pets, neighbors, lovers,
congressional representatives, nor any other person--
living, dead, or undead -- that you have or will ever
have any contact with in even the slightest form.
This PWAD has been tested and tested ad infinitum, so
it shouldn't mess with your computer or anything else
remotely associated with it. But if it DOES, then
too damn bad. Don't come cryin' to me.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Yes : Tested fully
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes : Tested very little with 2 players
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes : Tested very little with 2 players
This is not recommended for less than
four players, and even then I would
take out the monsters.
Difficulty Settings : All
New Music : Yes : Enter Sandman by Metallica!
New Sounds : No : Look for some to come soon.
New Graphics : Yes : Finally, I figured it out and got a
good editor. I should now have no
problems putting in any graphic I
want! With the dehacked patch, this
game gets really bloody!
Demos Replaced : No : Maybe later. If someone knows how I
can put an lmp into a wad file, let
me know and I'll add some. For now
though, there is a seperate .LMP
included with this package.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch, Millions of revisions.
Build Time : A really, really, really, really, really long time.
Most of my life at the age of 21, and still going.
Editor(s) used : WADED 1.87 by Matthew Ayres.
Other Utilities : DOOM II by id Software (textures)
RMB 2.1 by Jens Hykkelbjerg (made it faster)
NWT 1.3 by TiC (exporting and importing graphics)
DEHACKED 3.0a by Greg Lewis (for making all the
blood and gore)
DOOMVIEW Special Edition by Russel Wronski (looking
for graphic names)
NEOPAINT 3.1g by The NeoSoft Corporation (minor
editing of graphics and saving files with
Doom II palette)
PAINTBRUSH by Microsoft (major editing of graphics)
Known Bugs : There is edge overload in a place you'll probably
never goto, so I'm not gonna tell you and hopefully
you'll never notice. Any suggestions on how to fix
* The UNHOLY Series: The Entryway Revision History *
Ver Date Filename Notes
v1.0 08/01/95 UNHOLY01.WAD First release for Doom 2.
v1.2 08/05/95 UNHOLY01.WAD Finally got that damn "Unholy was
here texture" to work. I was about
ready to give up when DCK saved the
day! Although, I had to run it in
Windows mode and I messed with my
config.sys and stacker got screwed
up, and almost had to format my hard
drive, and a smoked a carton of
cigarettes in the process.....
v1.3 08/14/95 UNHOLY01.WAD Added recommendation list to text
file. Found the bug (Overload).
Added a title screen that can be used
in all my future levels.
V1.4 10/14/95 UNHOLY01.WAD Added the Unholy design at the top of
this text file. Also, finally added a
story, somewhat...
v2.0 10/15/95 UNHOLY01.WAD Finally, a major revision. I changed
the exit room to look like the en-
trance of the next level. I plan to do
all my levels like this to give the
player a feel of one continuous adven-
ture. Let me know what you think...
v2.2 10/20/95 UNHOLY01.WAD Re-added the graphics. Now that I can
do it with ease, I'll have more later
in future levels.
v2.5 10/22/95 UNHOLY01.WAD Added Enter Sandman. Don't know how
well it fits the level, but it was
that or Closer by Nine Inch Nails.
I also added the dehacked patch that
makes the game so bloody :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Heck,
id allowed me to create my own levels in the first place, who am I to
horde this to myself. If you do, however, use this level as a base, you
are required to send me a copy of the revised WAD.
You MUST distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
NO modifications. You MUST distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) for NON-PROFIT purposes, as long as
you include this file intact (for instance, you may include it on a
CD that comes free with a book or magazine).
You MAY NOT distribute this WAD on any commercially released CD collection,
any shareware CD, or any other CD for which you charge a fee of any
sort without my prior permission. If you do, I will pursue all legal
means available under copyright law.
* Other WADs recommended by the Author *
- The Church of Doom II (CHURCH.WAD)
by Virgil Itliong (virgil@austin.ibm.com)
I'm not quite sure why this was called church.wad and not grave.wad,
it's more of a cemetary than anything else. Great construction in this
wad, including features such as a musoleum <?> with a chaingunner...some-
where, people burning at the stake, a church (small), and the most
awesome exit I've ever seen. This wad is simply great. Oh, BTW, as soon
as I contact the author, don't be surprised if you see that same sky
texture in one of my future levels.
* Where to get this WAD *
WWW: http://www.primenet.com/~unholy/main_doom.html
FTP: ftp.cdrom.com (somewhere under .2/idgames) and mirrors
BBS: The Coffee Cup (520)459-2647
If you know another place to find this file, let me know so I can add it to
this file.
(This text file was originally provided as AUTH_WAD.TXT v1.2 with DEU 5.1.)
* Important Notes on Gameplay *
DO NOT USE GAMMA CORRECTION! I do not make my levels at all dark, and if
there is a dark area, it is meant to be that way. The best thing to do is
when you first start the level, turn gamma correction off and adjust the
brightness on you monitor until you get that "rustic" feel. The first room
should be a little dark so don't make it too bright. Trust me, this will
make the level look ***SO MUCH*** better. Have fun!