Text File
Title : TRIO DeathMatch for DooM II
Filename : TRIO.WAD
Compiler : Dean Stretton
Email Address : dean@pcug.org.au
Misc. Author Info : So far all efforts to create my own WADs
have failed miserably - so I thought I
might leech other people's. ;)
NB: I am definitely NOT the author of any
of the WADs contained in TRIO!
Description : TRIO - an ultimate DooM II DM experience!
The game begins at a medium pace with
"Fragging", where hunting down your enemy
is THE key to success. All weapons are
present, but the bigger guns are harder to
find! The DeathMatch then proceeds to a
frantic pace with "Gnash", a small WAD
pumped with adrenalin. Success is based on
skill and anticipation. The BFG is present,
but getting it leaves you vulnerable...
The pace lessens just a little for the final
level, "Peace" - a true classic! This total
test of strategy is a mind game, where the
aim is to control the match using rockets AND
access to the MegaSphere! There are many
dark places to hide, so you can ambush the
enemy. Force your opponent to take desperate
measures with a systematic massacre, and watch
your frag count jump!
These WADs provide a good cross-section of
DooM II DeathMatch levels. It provides hours
of FRENZIED, FRAGGING FUN! (I guess that's
a bit of a clich‚ in the DooM world now...)
Additional Credits to : NewWadTool (NWT), and authors of included
WADs (Fragging, Gnash and Peace-D2).
(See WAD text files for more information.)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01, MAP02, MAP03
Single Player : No (well, only for testing the levels)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (unless you start killing each other)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES!!! (Use -altdeath.)
Difficulty Settings : Yes, but there is little difference.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : See individual text files.
Editor(s) used : Ditto.
Known Bugs : Ditto.
* Copyright / Permissions *
See text files for info on using these wads as bases for additional WADs.
You MAY distribute TRIO.WAD, provided you include this file,
*AND ACCOMPANYING TEXT FILES*, without alteration. You may NOT
alter the file TRIO.WAD in any way. See text files for permission
for alteration of individual WADs. You may distribute this file in
any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include
this file, and accompanying text files, intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: No specific sites.
BBS numbers: The BBS you downloaded this from.
* Comments? Suggestions? *
So, what do you think? If you play TRIO, please give me some feedback
on things like:
* How much you enjoyed playing TRIO.
* Whether it's a success or not.
* Do you agree with my choice of levels?
* Would you like to see more combination WADs in the future?
* What WADs should I include in future?
Send all love, hate and feedback e-mail to the address above. THANKS!