Text File
Title :House of Horrors - A Haunting Heretic Experience
Author :Mike Adams
Email Address :michaelvadams@pobox.com
Misc. Author Info :None
Description Do You Enjoy Haunted Houses???
Then you'll love House of Horrors.
Just like going through a haunted house
Without leaving your home or office.
House of Horrors includes:
Numerous secret passages
Exciting and horrific sounds
Innovative graphics
Many ways to play:
* By yourself as a normal Heretic level
* By yourself with no monsters ( -nomonsters)
* With other co-operatively
* Against others in a really cool deathmatch
Additional Credits To
Id for the great games and graphics of:
Wolfenstein Doom I, Doom ][
Raven & Id for Heretic
WadAuthor v1.02 by Williston Consulting
WinTex 3.41 & 4.00 by Olivier Montanuy
Stuck v1.0 by Jim Flynn
RMB: Reject Map Builder v2.1 by Jens Hykkelbjerg
Paintings and textures provided by M&J CSB 1231
Stained glass provided by RSG 99x3
Sounds provided by SLP
and of course the Masters...
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # :1-1
Single Player :Yes, regular or with -nomonsters parameters
Coperative2-4Player :Yes, really cool
Deathmatch2-4Player :Yes, even play and great effects
Difficulty Settings :Yes, limited
New Sounds :Yes, awesome sounds
New Graphics :Yes, superb pictures
Demos Replaced :None
* Construction *
Base :Completely Original
Build Time :5 weeks off and on
Editor(s) Used :WadAuthor v1.02
WinTex 4.00
Stuck v1.0
RMB v2.1
Known Bugs :None
* Copyright/Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and NOTIFY the author at michaelvadams@pobox.com