Text File
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Title : " Wyvern Heights "
Filename : Hwyvern.zip
Author : David J. Reid
Email Address : gothicmidi@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : Independent recording engineer / synthesist by day...
Raving Heretic / Doom author by night...
Description : "Wyvern Heights"
This well designed level has quite a few areas to discover, it takes
me (the author) about 18 minutes to complete the entire level with
100% kills and all secrets found in skill 4 mode.
Please note that you must be alert in locatating certain switches
and doors that might not look like the ones you're used to - this is
by design for reasons of creativity. Different, but well done.
The texture alignment is outstanding (nice wall switches) and to
top it off, there are a ton of new graphics contained in this file...
Don't be surprised if you discover some familiar bitmaps along
the way...There are some textures in this file from "Rise of the
Triad" by Apogee Software, as well as Doom 1 and 2 from id
I thought it would be wonderful to see all my favorite textures in
one level...well, here it is and I'm sure you'll agree that they all
look great together.
I would recommend at least a 486DX2/66 with 8 Megs of RAM to
enjoy the level fully. This is the system I used to write Wyvern
Heights - it runs great on my computer, no slowing down (thanks
again RMB!). I wish every author would use it...
Oh, one more thing...Please, no codes! There is ample ammo
and if you're semi-experienced at Heretic then it will be a good
WAD for you to practice your combat stategies...just don't cheat.
To play this file with your registered Heretic, simply unzip the Hwyvern.zip
into your Heretic directory, then go to that DIR. and type the letters (in small
case print):
Then hit Enter and you're off to Wyvern Heights in Skill 4. If that's too hard
for you then you can simply manually type the line below and select your
own difficulty setting.
C:HERETIC>heretic -file hwh.wad
Please read on for more details...
Additional Credits to : Raven Software - Classic status - great job!
id Software - The masters of modem madness...
Apogee Software - ROTT is great and so are the bitmaps included
on the CD version...(included in this WAD).
Olivier Montanuy - The Mystic WinTex strikes again - Thanks!
* Wyvern Heights Info *
Episode and Level # : Heretic 1.0 - E1M1 (use HWH.bat for speed)
Single Player : Yes - This WAD is great for the lone cleric.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes - Please feel free to enjoy the sights after your battles' end.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes - Of course, the Modem Minions aren't forgotten.
Difficulty Settings : Yes - I highly advise you to use skill 4, though...lots of action.
New Sounds : No - Just thought I'd work on graphics this time.
New Graphics : YES! - Just look at the pretty bitmaps - great taste in colors!
New Music : No - I didn't have time to write a new tune this time. :(
Demos Replaced : Demo 1 replaced: " Rise of the Doomed Heretic"
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch (with my bare hands!). This file took the better
part of two weeks to complete. Again, the texture alignment took the
longest time (it has to be right!).
Editor(s) used : DeeP/HeeP - Excellent Heretic/Doom editors - I have conquered the beast!
WinTex/DeuTex - Excellent WAD compiler. The best freeware $ can buy!
RMB - Made this WAD 88 % more efficient. (Use this program, folks!)
PaintShop v.3 - Great shareware graphics program. Heretic perfect.
Known Bugs : Absolutely, positively NO problems with this file. W.H. checks out 100%
in the HeeP checks (try that some time for kicks).
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels provided that mention of this file is implemented.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. CD distributers -please try and notify me before publishing.
* Where to get this WAD *
America Online in the PC Games Forum.
Software Search - "Heretic Reid"
This will hit the jackpot for quality WAD files.
Please be sure to check out "Palace of Malice" while you're there.
That is also a classic Gothic MIDI WAD file for Heretic - enjoy the best.
Thanks for playing and I'll see you in C-Space...e the bitmaps included
on the CD v€���� ��w� ���/� ` �¦� �� ��¿�ÀTï��ó:`› ï������1ï�P`‰Eï����E0�v`V`è���v`²�``^`V`¦���§�è�t`³�_�v`²�/�_�î�
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Demos Replaced : Demo 1 replaced: " Rise of the Doomed