The whole of id Software for DOOM & DOOM II. Andrew (& Mark) Cornes, Gregory "Acoma" Hyne, Peter "Pete" Ripley, David "Macca" Mccandless, Jim F Flynn, Björnar Johansen, Baard Zakariassen and Stian Danielsen for playtesting, viewpoints, help, enthusiasm and for being mad bastards. Oh, and Erling Paulsen for managing to convince me that there was such a thing as a full fledged Doom-editor, back in early 94. Os! A brand new BFG goes out to Geoff Allan (DOOMed), Raphael Quinet (DEU), Olivier Montanuy (DeuTex) and Colin Reed (BSP) plus whoever put together idBSP. These guys gave us tremendous tools of joy without claiming a buck for it. Keep going guys, you are much admired and respected. About a thousand times more so than those who are deeply doomed...;) Shawn Green for sending me the picture of that very friendly pizza-girl. Oh, and for including me in "DOOM2: The Master Levels" project. A humongous round of applause to those doom-players who still play without cheating. I made these wads for you guys! :) Last but never least to all other WAD-designers who have lost themselves in the worlds of tag numbers, upper textures and vertexes as badly as me. Quake will be the end of what's left of our social lives.
Text File
File : Depending on what zip you've down-loaded. This
text file accompanies all CABAL files.
CABAL1= flood.wad (Bloodflood) map 03
CABAL2= derelict.wad (Derelict station) map 02
CABAL3= watchtower.wad (The Watchtower) map 04
CABAL4= todeath.wad (Temple of Death) map 05
CABAL5= arena.wad (We who are About to Die) map 06
CABAL6= storm.wad (Eye of the Storm) map 09
CABAL7= the_evil.wad (The Image of Evil) map 30
Author : Sverre Andre Kvernmo (aka "Cranium")
Misc. info : This and the other of my wads were initially
intended released inside a 32-level "episode" on the
internet. I got drafted for id's project
"DOOM2: The Master Levels" though, and having Id
release four of my wads is about 666 times cooler<G>.
The remaining seven, now known as the CABAL series
didn't make it into that project, most of them due to
the deadline (I came into TML just as it was about to
be finished). After premiering on the coverdisks of
PC Zone and GIGA they are now available to all you
If you like these wads and want some more of my
stuff, together with the excellent wads of Jim Flynn,
John "Dr. Sleep" Anderson, Tom Mustaine and
Chris Klie you can go and get The Master Levels when
they come out. Very likely they'll be the best wads
you have _ever_ played...
Setting : Ok, here's the plot: Kick Butt!
Gripping, isn't it? In case you are a little more
into story-lines you can keep on reading <g>:
The plot in the intended episode was as follows:
: You once were the biggest and baddest Cyber-demon
to rule hell and you spear-headed the council that
governed the underworld; "the Cabal". Betrayed by the
other members you find yourself not only dismantled,
but also a victim of the utmost demonic humiliation:
You've been morphed into a human! Of course you're
out for revenge and have to kick the other members of
the Cabal's butts one by one.
There's a short low-down on the story of each wad at
the end of this document (additional info).
Credits : The whole of id Software for DOOM & DOOM II.
: Andrew (& Mark) Cornes, Gregory "Acoma" Hyne,
Peter "Pete" Ripley, David "Macca" Mccandless,
Jim F Flynn, Bj›rnar Johansen, Baard Zakariassen and
Stian Danielsen for playtesting, viewpoints,
help, enthusiasm and for being mad bastards.
: Oh, and Erling Paulsen for managing to convince me
that there was such a thing as a full fledged
Doom-editor, back in early 94. Os!
: A brand new BFG goes out to Geoff Allan (DOOMed),
Raphael Quinet (DEU), Olivier Montanuy (DeuTex) and
Colin Reed (BSP) plus whoever put together idBSP.
These guys gave us tremendous tools of joy without
claiming a buck for it. Keep going guys, you are much
admired and respected. About a thousand times more
so than those who are deeply doomed...;)
: Shawn Green for sending me the picture of that
very friendly pizza-girl. Oh, and for including me in
"DOOM2: The Master Levels" project.<G>
: A humongous round of applause to those doom-players
who still play without cheating. I made these wads
for you guys! :)
: Last but never least to all other WAD-designers who
have lost themselves in the worlds of tag numbers,
upper textures and vertexes as badly as me. Quake
will be the end of what's left of our social lives.
bad-arse credits : Macca, Escher, Loki, Woof and Pete. You can
walk over my melted bodies anytime. Don't hang around
that corner for too long though. I'll silently BFG
your butt!
How to play : Load up, choose difficulty from the menu and use
the IDCLEVxx cheat when level 1 of Doom2 starts.
xx being the map number of the relevant wad.
Map # : See top of text file
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Whadda ya mean? Of course there is!
Difficulty Settings : A new setting (Total Carnage) has been implemented
to challenge the most hardened of Doom assassins.
Cabal's Ultra Violence is ment to equal Doom2's
New Sounds :No
New Graphics :Yes, though only in the difficulty setting menu.
Demos Replaced :None
Base : An obsessive personality, lotsa caffeine and lotsa
nicotine. :Q A twiseted mind doesn't hurt either. :)
An additional credit should go out to those wad-
designers that have inspired me greatly through their
work. I don't know all their names, but the names of
their WADs should suffice. Hail the hall of fame:
"Nukemine" (old I know, but the supreme numero uno
at it's hayday)
"Castle of the Renegades". Best castle-type wad I've
"Dante's Gate"
The secret level in the AlienDoom episode was groovy
as well, and "Cleimos" had some nice touches.
Build Time : Don't ask, really! First baby steps at "wadding"
taken in the summer of 94. Almost dropped out of
university for this bloody obsession. One reason for
surviving was that I handed in a wad of my campus as
one of my projects. <G>
I would guess that I on average spend about 130 hours
on each wad. And it's not because I work slow :)
Editor(s) used : DoomED 4, DEU2, DETH, BSP1.2, idBSP and DEUTEX.
Bugs : No way. If you should find some then get in touch,
but know that I will forever hate you!!! ;)
Where to get the
CABAL wads : Download it from Compuserve or get them from the
October issue of either PC Zone or GIGA (GIGA is only
sold in Norway).
Also available from the London GAMESNET server.
Hope you enjoy the wads!
× All comments & questions will be highly appreciated ×
Sverre Andre Kvernmo
(it's a norwegian name OK? I'm from Norway smart arse)
Bloodflood (map 03)
: I set out to make the ultimate deathmatch level in
this one. Once the players are fimiliar with the
level it kicks b u t t, ala big time. Works well
as a 1player as well.
"You have come upon one of the Cabal's blood-depoes.
An important element in any powerful black magic is
huge amounts of blood. Emptying the depoe's tanks
into the nearby river you will have struck your first
blow against the Cabal."
Derelict Station (map 02)
Co-author: Greg "Acoma" Hyne
: Should you tire of Bloodflood (What!?) then try
this smaller, even faster frag-machine on for size.
Quite playable as a single game as well.
"Just having escaped the Sea of Blood you have sought
out a derelict building in the search for arms &
equipment. Unfortunately the station isn't as
abandoned as you thought."
The Watchtower (map 04)
Co-designer: Greg "Acoma" Hyne
: Me and Greg wanted to do an awesome Deathmatch
level but with all the ideas we had it kinda grew a
little large <G>. Still very good if you have the
incentive to learn it. Good for 3 & 4 player network.
Temple of Death (map 05)
:My first wad <blush>. Don't worry you won't have to
struggle with mis-aligned textures and collaged
colours, as I recently went over the thing and
polished it a bit.
We who are About to Die (map 06)
:Ok for Deathmatch but v e r y playable as one
player, judging by the response of play-testers.
"The Cabal has started striking back at you. That
last gateway should have taken you... well somewhere
else. Not to an arena where thousands of humans have
lost their souls to hungry demons. As you get ready
for the first wave of hellspawned gladiators you
swear to blast the emperor's thumbs off before he can
even think about turning them down on you..."
Eye of the Storm (map 09)
: Made the whole level design with the thought of one
encounter only (you'll know wich one when you
encounter it:). The level is an exercise in how to
dodge and use the BFG to full effect. If big-weapon
blasts are your thing in Deathmatch then you'll want to
live inside STORM.<G>
"You find yourself in the remains of an old forttress
after ascending a lift shaft from the mines where you
were trapped. Signs of unlife is evident but from
what you know of this place it should pose no great
threat to you. It used to be the centre of a
Cacodemon empire that perished some 665 yeaes ago.
Oh, by the way, it's new years eve..."
The Image of Evil (map 30)
: This was to be the final showdown in Cabal.
Wanted to see how far I could take the design of the
map view with it. Cowards go IDBEHOLDA as soon as they
enter. Good players will see it evolve.
"The Image of Evil is a humongous temple created
to the honour of the first Demon to slay an angel;
Lithlaar. In it you will find the Cybo that now is
known as the lord of Hell and his two Soulguards."
Authors may not use these levels as a base to build additional levels.
It will be greatly appreciated if you distribute these WADs, provided you
include this file, with no modifications.