Text File
Filename : multimat.wad - FINAL RELEASE VERSION 16/10/95
Author : Peter Shackleton
Email Address : pshack@sans.vuw.ac.nz
Web Site (NZ only) : http://www.sans.vuw.ac.nz/~pshack
Misc. Author Info :
Description : These two levels have been over 12
months in the making. They've been
designed, changed, playtested and
perfected. All of my beta testers
loved them - I hope you will to.
Additional Credits to : Jonathan Griffin ) Main beta
John Goring-Johnston ) testers.
George Sadlier )
The author(s) of good-ii.wad, for
three sounds which I flogged.
And various vict .. er .. players from
The Cave BBS, Wellington.
It goes without saying we're all
indebted to the people at id, etc.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01, MAP02.
Single Player : Yes*
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes**
New Sounds : Yes***
New Graphics : No
New Music : Yes****
Demos Replaced : I won't waste your HD space.
* Notes *
* You'll find it impossible to exit either level without cheating,
both levels utilise cooperative exits.
** Difficulty settings 1 and 2 are no different from one another.
Difficulty 3 is intended for 2 player play, difficulty 4 for
3-4 person play. There is more ammunition and more monsters
on difficulty 4 (Ultra-violence).
Not all monsters/weapons present in multi-player mode are
present in single player mode.
*** Sounds Replaced:
Sound: Replacement Source:
Pistol Shot Good-ii.wad
Rocket detonation Game I had once (I forget which one)
Plasma in flight Good-ii.wad (I suspect Star Wars)
Death yell Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder
Death Scream Good-ii.wad (Arnie)
Telephone sound (DM only) Star Trek communicator (original series)
****Music changed for levels one, two and the intermission and title
Level: Source:
I'm told DAZED.MID is from a song called "Dazed and Confused" and
SLEDGE.MID is from a song called "Sledgehammer" Peter Gabriel.
a clue as to the artists of DAZED.MID or the people who wrote
the midi files (they were taken from alt.binaries.midi) - I just
liked the sound of them for Doom.
To play this .wad, type "doom2 -file multimat.wad". The file "multimat.wad"
must be in your Doom 2 directory to do this.
There is NO BFG on either level - I hate it. Add one if you
wish, but please don't redistribute the changed level. I really did
leave it out for a reason!
Levels may be played co-operatively and single player, as well as
in deathmatch mode. Level 1 is best for 3-4 players, but makes for
an excellent "stalking" game for 2 - a meeting every 3-5 minutes.
Level 2 is fun for 2-3 players, and is mayhem for 4 - a meeting every
30 seconds.
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch. Inspiration for the
d‚cor of level 2 from hallspro.wad.
Time Taken : I estimate 100 h +
Editor(s) used : DEU2 5.21, BSP 1.0, WinTex 3.41, TED,
MUStool, RMB.
Known Bugs : All gone (after 12 months)!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels for their own use. Please credit me if you use any parts/
ideas for your own levels.
This level MAY be distributed commercially ONLY with the
permission of the author.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
Once "officially" released ...
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors. Possibly others - hunt around.
WWW : In New Zealand (only) http://www.sans.vuw.ac.nz/~pshack.
BBS : In Wellington, New Zealand, The Cave MegaBBS, ++64 +4 4992283.
Send me email at pshack@sans.vuw.ac.nz. By the time you read this,
mULTIMATE may have migrated elsewhere.
Look for my Heretic deathmatch level, A River Runs Through (RIVERUN.ZIP)
and my music files (D2POPMS and D2ROCKMS.ZIP) at the above sites soon!