Text File
Filename : Woodwrk1.wad
Author : Jonathan Pribble
Email Address : GAR@wsserv.com
Misc. Author Info : The Doom Wad Master!
- Other pwads by me-
Woodwrk1.wad <--- :)
Description : There it is! The WoodWork house! But why is it
called Woodwork? Well you can see that the
house was well crafted out of Wood and the Work
that the builder did was outstanding. You can tell
that the house was made for DeathMatch cause your
enemy cleaned out all the monsters, leaving nothing
but blood behind! Your job is to search the WoodWork
and find your enemy! If you have what it takes then
go recover the WoodWork! See if you can hold the
Title for this Wad! Bet ya can't!
SOON TO COME: WoodWork2!!!!!
Additional Credits to : Id Software, for such a great game!
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 1
Single Player : Nope...
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope...
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes --> Go find your enemy!
Difficulty Settings : Nope...
New Sounds : Nope...
New Graphics : Nope...
New Music : Nope...
Demos Replaced : None...
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Time : 9 Hours
Editor(s) used : DEU2 and TBSP (Great Node Builder)
Known Bugs : No known bugs.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels, as long as they give me some credit.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
BBS: The Galleria 804-877-0907