Text File
Title : Twisted DeathMatchs DeathMatchs 3
Filename : FETALDM4.WAD
Author : ANTHONY CZERWONKA, Adelusion, PCC TonyC
Email Address : Adelusion@AOL.com, PCC TonyC@AOL.com
Description : This is New collection of 4 Deathmatchs
that consists of ALL types of layouts. Each
level is unique in it's own way, with each
one having an outside area. These levels are
made for intense FRAG action! All the levels
contain ALL or MOST of the weapons. No secret
areas, everything is accessable, or triggered
with a switch, or teleport.
Additional Credits to : id!, David Kosmopolis, Jeff Bryski, JWCyborg,
PCCDale, Whilk, Scott Allyn, and some others
for play-testing this. And to whoever I snaked
their sounds from.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Maps 01-04
Single Player : YES
Cooperative 2-4 Player : YES (2-4 Starts)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES (2-4 Starts)
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes Sky, Bar, Wall Textures
New Music : Yes
Demos Replaced : Zilch
Monsters : Yes
Loading Procedure : DOOM2 -file FETALDM4.WAD
* Construction *
Base : Levels are from my deranged mind only.
Editor(s) used : DCK2.2, WINTEX 3.4
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
This WAD may be distributed freely in\on any form or media. Credit must
be given to myself (in the form of this text file). DO NOT add on, or
modify the levels, unless you contact me, before doing so, I would like
to know what your going to do with it. If any errors are found, please
e-mail me and I will correct them.
EMAIL ME if you like or dislike these levels. I can be reached at: