Text File
Title : Outside For Doom 2
Filename : OUTSIDE2.WAD
Author : Michael Hopkins (Aka Kowalski) - Level + GFX
Michael Davies (A1 Stud Muffin) - GFX
Misc. Author Info : Kow: Loves Doom ][. And C&C. Wants a Pentium
AsM: Also loves Doom ][. GFX artist [ANSi/VGA],
Catch 22 member. Sysop of FéRTRäSS +61-3-9439-4340
Description : Outside basicly. A huge level with billions
(Well, okay, a lot) of buildings, rivers that
interconnect, and lots of hidden areas, and
far too much VIOLENCE!!!!!!
Additional Credits to : AsM for GFX, Authors of the tools I used
in this level. People who originated some of the
gfx used in here (Although it is altered)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01 (Level 1 - Entryway)
Map21 (Level 21 - Nirvana) <- The intro
Single Player : Yes \ Specific to these 2 types
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes / of Doom playing. Yay!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes > Possibly too big (Only by a little ;)
Difficulty Settings : Yes > Extremely well implemented. See for yourself!
New Sounds : Yes > Borrowed lots of FX from places.
New Graphics : Yes > Thx go to all authors of the original pix
New Music : Yes > Map01 - Guitarous (Mus version of a Mod)
Map21 - Reggae (Very joyous Midi conversion)
Demos Replaced : All > 1st is the intro. Watch and learn.
2nd is me being far too silly
3rd is me really tired and hyperactive at the
same time (An interesting combo! :)
* Construction *
Base : Modified OUTSIDE.WAD for Doom ][. Lots of GFX
changes were required here. New GFX aswell!
Editor(s) used : DDT 1.0, RMB 2.1 Alpha, BSP 1.2x, NWT, plus
all the stuff I used in the first place (Deu etc.)
Known Bugs : A few textures are not aligned well :( Soz. Any
other bugs should be reported. Oh yeah, this level
is so huge you can't save in it without Doom
crashing :( . But it is possible without saves. So
don't worry too much and if it's too hard try an
easier setting.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels. And you'll have to contact me b4 using any GFX coz some can be
distributed and some not. Or I'll kill you. With my killer sheep.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. But everything MUST be there. Or a worm with a basooka will
shoot the crap through you.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: FTP.CDROM.COM as soon as I get on ;) . Also on there look
for A1-SNIPE and KK-SNIPE :) two awesome deathmatch levels that
are an absolute must for any happy fragger's collection.
BBS numbers: FéRTRäSS +61-3-9439-4340
When asked to type in a description, as long as you have 20 lines or more
to describe it you'll be right. Jump to dos (Shell). Go to the file id.
copy file_id.diz com2
It won't show up at first, but it has been typed in. So press Enter. View
it if you aren't sure.
Now go eat some MEAT!