Text File
Title :Rock War Deathmatch
Filename: :RockWar.ZIP
Author :Michael R. Myers
E-mail Address :MMyers6936@AOL.COM
Misc. Author Info :This is my second public released DM level.
I hope you'll take the time to e-mail me with
your comments and suggestions. My previous
level is Myers.zip, containing Woodwar.WAD
Description :This is an outdoor DM wad comprised of several
buildings. There are plenty of teleporters to
keep the action moving nicely. There is plenty of
health, ammo and power-ups. All weapons are available
except for the chainsaw, because I hate the chainsaw.
Also, the plasma gun is not an available option.
Additional Credits to :The author(s) of TALON3.WAD for indirectly teaching
me how to make a good deathmatch level with just
a few small areas. It also showed me how cool
textures Rock 1 and Rock 2 really are!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level :Doom 2 Map 01
Single Player :Yes, to learn to negotiate the level and to learn its
layout and find "the big secret".
Cooperative Player :I suppose...but there aren't any monsters, so it'd
be pretty pointless...
Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes!! There are settings for 4 player, so if this
.WAD gets to a network, notify me and tell me
how it played with 4 players!! Of course 2 and 3 player
are there, so frag away!!
Difficulty Settings :Not implemented--it's a frag fest, not a pointless
monster bash with sissy settings
New Sounds :No
New Graphics :No
New Music :No
Demos Replaced :None--But feel free to make one in DM and e-mail it to
me. I like DM demos :-)
* Construction *
Base :New Level from scratch
Editors Used :Waded 1.83
Known Bugs :None-as of yet.
Build Time :About 10 hours
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this .WAD in any way you want, but please notify me if you modify
it for public release. You may make any improvements, corrections or modifications as long
as you mention me in your credits, along with my e-mail address. This text file
must accompany any alteration of Rock War.WAD.
* Where to get this WAD *
America OnLine
Me, if you really want to bother sending a disk for me to give it to you...
You can get my first level, mentioned above, from America OnLine as well!! Try it and tell me what you think! I like getting e-mail :-)