Text File
Title : Loop De loop (v1.78)
Filename : LDL1_78.WAD
Author : Josh Widjaya
Email Address : s1800043@singnet.com.sg
Misc. Author Info : This is my third wad, the first wad wasn't even
a real wad. (It was my test wad.) The second, well
I'd better not say. 8-) So don't expect awesome
special effects and stuff.
Description : There is no story. There is no theme. Just a plain
deathmatch wad. I think its bloody excellent for my
third attempt.... hope u do to. :-)
I spent a lot of time "perfecting" this wad so I
hope _SOMEONE_ will enjoy fragging their friends'
butts into asschowder. I know I do. 8-)
We tested it and tested it again, and we think
Additional Credits to : The DEU][ and DEU team.
The DETH team. Bill J. McCledon for the wad making
handbook. All the doom wad makers out there who
inspired me!
Dan Geer - Best friend, beta tester.
(I know it's cliched, so what?) Id software for
making this kick ass game!
* Play Information *
A bit about the difficulty:
I didn't feel it was necessary to change it. I just changed the guardians of
the BFG:
EASY: Some wimpy dude. tsk tsk tsk.
MEDIUM: Arachnotron and barons of hell.
HARD: CYBERDEMON. _TRY_ and get it, I dare u. (also, there are some barrels)
In the begining, it's complete chaos. Tons of blur spheres,... 8-)
Frags go to about a frag every 25-40 seconds. (unless u stay still in a dark
room) Most of the begining frags are "cheap" frags... after that, it's purely
skill. U run into each other A LOT. (Loop de loop!)
Episode and Level # : DOOM2 level 1
Single Player : Only to look around. IDDT to check out the "secret
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Only to look around. Eventualy, u'll get bored and
one of you will open fire on the other one and you
can predict the rest.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Duh.
Difficulty Settings : See above
New Sounds : Nope
New Graphics : Nope
New Music : Nope
Demos Replaced : We WERE going to put in our awesome deathmatch demo
in the zip file, but it was SO cool, it was BIG.
So we left it out. Mail me if you want a demo.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build time : Roughly 22 hours of design, build, fixing, beta
testing, and refixing.
Editor(s) used : DEU][ ver 1.00 and BSP ver 12x (a bit of DETH 3.8)
RMB 2.1
Known Bugs : Don't type format c: before you play this wad.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.
If u find bugs and fix it, send me a copy, if u make new levels out of this,
ditto, and gimme some credit!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:ftp.cdrom.com/.2/idgames/levels/deathmatch/doom2/j-l/ldl1_78.zip
(I hope.)
BBS numbers:none
Best games are with
-skill 4
I spent so much time on this, I FORGOT TO DO MY HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!
Please mail me if u like this level. WE LOVE IT. We honestly think it is the
best deathmatch level we have ever played. Not becoz I made it, just, GOD
DAMN IT'S GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, email me if u love it, and distribute it for me.
If you hate it, you're strange. :-)