Text File
Title : "It Came From the Garage!" - "MUY MALO!!!"
Author : Alan Gamboa (J'ber'nak'l)
Email Address : lfefka@jungleii.com
Misc. Author Info : This is my first DM level.
Description : *The design for this level came from that of my own
house! Of course the limitations of the Doom
engine forced me to make some slight changed and my
house is more furnished. I also made the backyard
bigger for full-on fire-fight fun!(say that 3 times
fast!). Other than that, it really is my house.
Additional Credits to : *Whoever designed my house... way ta go, you!
*Funbaby who's always a help with the WAD mechanics
and also for making suggestions (like the chimney
and inspiring me to add furniture where I could)
*Lord Kefka for letting me use his Internet mail box
when I lost mine.
ASH - [while at my house later], "Whoa! I feel
like I'm in your level."
BIG TOE - "It was neat. All you want in a Death
Match level. Small, weapons, secrets, and Beverly
Hills Cop music. Perfect!"
EL MONO - "Eee eee eee, ooo ooo ooo!"
FUNBABY - "Damn the Doom Engine and its 2.5D!
Teleports suck!"
PIT - [while playing] "Is there really all those
blood splats in your house?"
Story : *You live in a condo in Covina on the corner of
Glendora and Badillo. Your parents went away on
vacation and you desided to invite a few friends
over... then the evil came. Straight from Hell
the evil has come for you. Originating in your
garage it has spread through parts of your house...
It has spread to your friends as well... now...
eyes red, mouth foaming, screaming profanities
(even more than usual) their only goal is to kill
you (and each other). Weapons seem to have
materialized out of the very air through your
house. Go get 'em.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes (know your battle ground)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Ew.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Arr! That be what it's for, me matey!
Difficulty Settings : Yes. This is Death-Match! If it's too hard, get
some less skillful friends, too easy... play I.C.
New Sounds : Yes (Evil Dead, Monty Python and others) I hope you
guys apreciate them because Doom doesn't support my
sound card.
New Graphics : Yes (mostly bluedafied old ones)
New Music : Yes (Beverly Hills Cop theme)
Demos Replaced : 1 (El Mono and I duke it out) (hopefully)
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build time : 1 day of Christmas vacation for the first floor,
then bits and pieces for a couple weeks 'cause I'm
a lazy bum.
Editor(s) used : DCK, Waded, BSP, Paint Shop Pro, New Wad Tools,
DmGraph, Dmaud.
Known Bugs : Nah.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
levels without the express written consent of the National Hockey League.
Oh... awright... go ahead and modify it, just be sure to exalt me in the
acompanying text.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. In fact, you suck if you don't.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: I have no access to them... but PLEASE... feel free to put this
there and where ever you can.
BBS numbers: Jungle II (818) 914-9010
Other: Actually, it's not a house, it's a condo.