Text File
Title : Army of Darkness Sounds
Author : Marc Wensauer
Email Address : w9b192@ugrad.cs.ubc.ca
Description : You're no space marine, you're Ash,
you're feeling groovy, and ready to
dish out some one-liners.
Additional Credits to : Creators of similar WADs
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : N/A
Single Player : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A
Difficulty Settings : N/A
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : New sounds recorded from scratch (8bit, 11kHz)
Editor(s) used : DMAUD 1.1
Known Bugs : None that I'm aware of
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may do whatever you want with this file.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu:/pub/doom/incoming
* Description *
This is a WAD of sounds from the movie, Army of Darkness.
Yes, I realize that there are similar WADs out there, but after listening to
them, I thought they could stand a little improvement. So here is my attempt.
And so I rented the movie, hooked the audio to my SBPro and watched away,
recording on the fly as good tidbits of witty banter, such as "Gimme some
sugar baby", came up.
I replaced most of the sounds, omitting a few samples. There are other
sound effects I used for doors and lifts, and a couple of weapons. I believe
they were taken from other sound WADs, such as Aliens, Terminator, and Star
Wars. The pistol sound is a shortened version of the orignal shotgun sample
(The shotgun sound is then replaced by the one from Terminator).
If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send them to me.
Happy Doomin'!
Marc "Groovy" Wensauer