Text File
Title: :New Civilization
Filename: :New.wad
Author: :Maddog (not really its just a nickname)
E-Mail Adress: :eblan@ix.netcom.com
Author Bio: :I love to play DooM because it rocks, and I make
WADs in my spare time, which is about every chance
I can get. I also like Star Wars and Rollerblading
I really like to sleep though, so I had to tear
myself from bed to make this wad.
Description: :This is the best wad I have made to date, though
some think that it is a sequel to civdem.wad,
they probably think that because the rooms look the
same, the difference now is a new and improved
final area, and a corridor that connects the end
of the level to the rest. Anyway, the demons in
DooM have gotten a bad reputation because they are
evil, but many people don't realize how civilized
the demons trully are. In this level the demons,
have made numerous civilization advances, including
a small grocery store type area, they have also made
long corridors of sleeping quarters, as well as
numerous traps and switches that activate various
things. So go in and kick some butt. I like this
wad, but hey I'm the creator, so try it for yourself
Additional Credits to: Those guys at Id. They did great on their game,
Doom, and sure are swell for leting us, the
common-folk make levels.
* Play Information *
Episode and level # : E1M1 (Doom 2, sorry Doom oners)
Single Player: : Yes
Co-operative: : Yes (but I don't know why)
Deathmatch: : To a certain extent, but it really wasn't designed
for it.
Difficulty Settings: : Barely, on the last two levels there are 2 more
Chaingunners, and maybe a few more Shotgun
New Sounds: : Some, they are from Monty Python, I tried to get
Pinky & The Brain, but it wasn't working, maybe
in the next version of this level I'll include
some other sound. I am working on more though,
if you have any ideas feel free to E-mail me I am always open to
New Graphics: : None (I am working on it though)
New Music: : No, sorry, to hard and I just don't have the equip
Demos replaced: : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch. Took 100+ hours, I think.
Editors Used: : NWT, various others from Doom I/II collection CD
Known Bugs: : Termites, Roaches... Seriously I can only think
one, on one of the stairwells a small portion of
the wall displays hall of mirrors, its almost
unnoticable. If you find any others Email me.
* Copy Right / Permissions, etc. *
You can change this wad, but at least say somewhere in your wad description
file that you built it off this wad.
I love freeware, so feel free to distribute this wad, provided that you keep
this .txt file intact, with no modifications. You can distribute this wad
in anyway you deem fit to distribute a wad file, for example gamma ray
transmision wouldn't work because it isn't compatible with computers,
however CDs, diskettes, BBSes, etc. may be used.
* Where to get this wad *
FTP: probably, ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/incoming
Other: E-mail me and I'll tell you how you can get this WAD, and others
that I may make.
E-mail: In case you didn't get this down earlier;
* Disclaimer *
I have never known a WAD file to messup an entire computer system before,
but there are idiots who do exist in this world who tamper with things they
shouldn't and screw everybody up. When I distributed this wad it was intact
and error free. If this WAD has any errors, really serious and not just bad
mistakes in setup I can assure you it was not my doing, so don't try to sue
me or something because I am not the person who did this.
The actual chances of somebody putting a virus onto a WAD are I
would guess very rare, if not non-existent. I just included the above
diclaimer to protect my butt, if anything does go wrong.