Text File
Author :Robert Payne
Email Address :jpayne@ipa.net
Misc. author info :This is the first level I have made available to
the general public. I want any criticism, good
or bad.
Description :a simple wad for beginners. I am trying out some
:design principles, so it is really not that complex
Additional credits to :Definitely the maker of DoomCAD, and of course ID
:and the maker of midi2mus and the maker of dmmui
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # :E2M1
Single Player :YES
Cooperative 2-4 player :YES (but why?)
Deathmatch 2-4 player :YES
Diffulculty Settings :Ehhh, No.
New Sounds :YES (new music)
New Graphics :NO
Demos Replaced :none
* Construction *
Base :From Scratch
Build Time :So far 30 hours
Editor used :DooMCAD
Known bugs :some see through patches in walls, me and my tester
are working on them.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Hey, I am an anarchist, so what do I care what you do with my level, as long
as you give me credit. A memorial would be nice, but my name in your text
file will do. Any distribution, as long with this file is allowed. Oh, yeah
and don't edit this file!
* Where to get this wad *
Clear Creek BBS:(501)444-1989
If anyone can figure out how to upload to an FTP, I would appreciate it, and you
can break the rules and write where you put it here. (and your name if you
feel like bragging)