Text File
Title : These horrendous erratic hairy orgies of
mammoth everlastingness
or T.h.e H.o.m.e. for short
Filename : The_Home.wad
Author : Sam Dickie
Email Address : bdickie@epsb.edmonton.ab.ca - call me
Misc. Author Info : I am 16 years old, and I love DOOM
Description : This is a DOOM II pwad.
Deathmatch or Cooperative
- Deathmatch
Blast each other through and around
my house. Hide and seek is different
when you carry shotguns.
There are a few monsters to kill before
the real fraggin' can begin. Once you
get warmed up, start hunting.
- Cooperative
You've been hired to get rid of the
hell spawn. But this is a nice house,
where could they all be coming from?
I think we've found the problem, the
son is a devil worshipper and he has
already opened the gate to the other
side. Jump into the fray!
Info : This is my third pwad.
The first two were practice.
- I have used teleporters on the stairs
so you can go to the basement and the
top floor. So, don't play on the stairs
you might get fragged!
* If you have any comments please email me at the above address. *
Additional Credits to : Matthew Ayres, WADED is best.
Special thanks to ID for DOOM & DOOM II
* Play Information *
Doom Version : DOOM II
Level : 1
Single Player : YES
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES - PLENTY OF FRAGGIN' !!!
Difficulty Settings : Yes - Level 1 and 2 for
deathmatch, few baddies
- Level 3 is for single
- Level 4 is for co-op.
Tons o' bad dudes. Unless, you
think you are good and can
finish it alone!
- Level 5 for amusement
New Sounds : Yes, just two. Nothing much
just wanted a change.
New Graphics : Yes, just one. The face on the
status bar now looks like me!
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level, based on my house
Build Time : About 12 days, to the dismay of my
math teacher.
Editor(s) used : Only Waded v1.83, love it!
Known Bugs : No bugs here.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels...Oh, what the heck, go right ahead and do it, I'll
never find out...you hope.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
You MAY give this WAD to all your friends, and tell them that Sam
Dickie is a DOOM level editing God and you want to be just like
him and if you met him you would shower him with gifts and praise.
(Hey, it was just a thought)