Text File
Title : GeNiUs02 -- YoU WiLL BeLieVe
Filename : GENIUS02.WAD
Author : The EViL GeNiUs (Jimmy Sieben)
Email Address : l-sieben@memphis.edu
WWW Address : http://www.canweb.net/~genius
Misc. Author Info : Student with Doom on his mind.
#doom & #quake op, sued to rock at DM
but suck now due to school
Other WADs by author : I did MAPs 6, 10, 29, and 30 in TNT:Evilution,
the mega wad id Software purchased.
My first WAD is radius1.wad. it sucks, dont
bother getting it.
I co-authored The_Egg.wad with Stoneman. Its
a neato WAD that focuses on stratregy. I
promise you, if you don't use strategy, you
will suffer. This is one of my favorite WADs.
Description : GeNiUs02 -- YoU WiLL BeLieVe is the #2
in a run-down park.
Special Thanks Go Out To: Chad Fowler, for all the testing and shit.
Stoneman, for getting me off the ground in DM
Brian Vanatta, for all the inspiration and stuff
Dweller, for the support and inspiration
H2HMud, for running the cool IDC contest
Paradox, for having a head on your shoulders
TaCo, for being cool
Avatar, for havign that wacky wadding spirit
Wendigo, for being innovative
Chunkk, for being hilarious -- we miss yew
Mynx, for being there
Lightning, for IRC help
johan, for the spewfin
Scaryname and the FL DMers, for testin this
#doom ops, for being a cool bunch to run with
#quake ops, for withstanding the llamas
Special Thanks DONT Go : Aikman, for being an asshole, and degrading the
Out to quality of WADs with the DWANGO series
Anyone who releases 1 room WADs, for degrading
the quality of WADs seriously
Anyone who has taken over #doom or #quake, for being
Apologies go to : People I said would nevr have a quake beta...so one
was released sue me
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM 2
Single Player : Starts are there
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Starts are there
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes -- use old deathmatch
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes -- kewl chalk arrow
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : 0
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2, DeuTex and WinTex
Known Bugs : none
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors
BBS numbers: good DOOM BBSs
Other: my web site....soon