Text File
Title: -woody3
Author: -Nick Olman
E-mail address: -no1woody@cris.com
Misc Author Info: -Plays guitar,electric of course!! Makes Doom levels,
Obviously, and loves Cheech and Chong stuff!!
*If you happen to know where to get BUSH midi files please e-mail me the
address. I've been looking everywhere for some.
Level Description- Theres nothing much to discribe about it. It's just some
level I decided to make one day. But if you'd like to
know how hard it is it's not very hard at all, But of
course seeing as though I made it I may not be a good
judge of how hard it is. I've only had one person test
it and he sucks at DOOM anyway.
How to Use woody3- You've probably heard it a million times now, but
dispite that fact I'm going to tell you again.
First unzip the woody3.zip into your DOOM2 directory.
Then at the x:\doom2 prompt type
doom2 -file woody3.wad [enter]
If this doesn't work then I have no idea what will
Map # -level 03
Skill Levels -All
Single Player -Yes
Co-op Play -Yes, but I think theres only 2 starting points
Deathmatch -No, but feel free to add starts if you like
New Demos -No
New Graphics -No, Maybe some other time though
New Sounds/music -No
Base -New level from scratch
Editors Used -Deu2 Version 5.I haven't the slightest idea
Build Time -About 6 hours
Special Thanks -Id Software for making this quite extrordinary game
Known Bugs -None, but if you find one please notify me
*Although I am about 99.99% sure this wad will not affect your computer in
anyway, There still is that little .01% chance, and if that .01% happens on
your computer I will in no way be held responsible.
*Authors may do what ever the heck they want to do with this wad, In fact
I'd love to see some one actually want to use this wad as a base for
another level, but this doesn't mean that you can do it without giving me
any credit for the original ideas.
*You may distribute this wad on any format that you like, I just ask this
teensy, little itty-bitty thing......Please include this file with it.