Text File
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"64 more big bronco ounces!"
Direct from the House of Friends, where high ASCII is not just a colorful
dream, another wad pack of 11 deathmatch maps. You might remember some of
our other wads as Embolism, Smash21, 125wads, and, of course, Hoss. Well,
Hoss2 compiles some more of our best picks from 125wads. Hoss has gained
a bit of prominence, so we'd like to plug a few more of the same type of our
frequently played wads. Below is a list of the contents of Hoss2.
³ Map # ³ WAD ³ Description ³
³ 1 ³ Core ³ The kinds of comments that go in this box are the ³
³ 2 ³ Pad ³ things we laugh at. See dwango6.txt for a prime ³
³ 3 ³ DS ³ example, "Music was picked to fit the mood of the ³
³ 4 ³ Further ³ level"??? Specialized scrolling textures??? Altdeath ³
³ 5 ³ Milit ³ backpacks and orange sky??? Screw that! That crap is ³
³ 6 ³ ToErr ³ for chumps and art lovers. ³
³ 7 ³ Crypt2 ³ ³
³ 8 ³ Rush ³ ³
³ 9 ³ DNA ³ ³
³ 10 ³ Slatch ³ ³
³ 11 ³ This! ³ ³
³ 12 ³ Gren ³ ³
All of Hoss2 is intended for 4 player, Deathmatch 1.0, and each individual
can be found in our previously released "125wads". Be prepared to encounter
some wads that are really crowded, and some that are a big more spacy. We've
tried to diversify our wad sizes a bit from our older style of medium sized
wads (case & point -> Hoss, map 1, "Crypt"). Well, in doing so, we dis-
covered that these are a few of the wads that we had the most fun playing.
Hope you enjoy these as much as we did! (We care about your feelings, really,
as long as you believe we do...)
Authors, playtesters, debuggers, cool guys:
Herb, Blake, Carl, Hoang, Adrian, Gil, Brian, and others, but mainly Herb.
All wads are designed by Herb, except "This!" and "Gren" which is Adrian's.
All wads are tweaked by Adrian & Blake who ride Herb equally hard for not
putting in exits. Text file and wad compiling was done by Blake without
anyone's else's consent :). Hoang, Carl, and others offered advice and
helped to constructively criticize this compilation.
All opinions expressed in this text file is the exact same opinion of
everyone in the House of Friends, but not everyone will admit to it quite
like I do. And no, "House of Friends" is not on the "Friends" TV show band-
wagon, we don't even use our tint-defunct, vertically troubled television.
Herb has a web page if you want to talk/email/stalk him:
Email addresses:
Herb : smight@nol.net
Blake : bks2931@tam2000.tamu.edu
Carl : bchs3m@jetson.uh.edu
Hoang : charlesb@netropolis.net