Text File
Title: Awesmdth.wad
Author: Joshua Gunder Author of Waldorf.wad
E-Mail Address: fmellish@ix.netcom.com
Additional Credits: Matt Ayers for Waded, Ben Tajik for testing it with me, and Mike Moore for testing on the MaC side of the doom world.
Description: Awesmdth.wad is a single level for map 01 of Doom2, and was designed with new deathmatch in mind. It's a small level consisting of an outdoor area surrounded by rooms, canals o' death, and ledges. It's a very basic setup, but it's deathmatch fun for the whole family. A guaranteed frag o' rama. It's got a layout that flows just at the right speed for deathmatch. However I included single play and co-op play at skill 4. Don't look behind that wall! The level supports 4 players for co-op and deathmatch, and skill levels function, to some extent. It has a co-op exit though. A must have for deathmatch enthusiasts. Just play it and e-mail me with any flames, suggestions, praises. It's only my second wad so be nice. Hope you like it. Download waldorf.wad also.
Instructions: Deposit this wad into a directory you'll remember the commmand line for, and launch it with doom2.
Doom2 -file awesmdth.wad or for modem..
sersetup -file awesmdth.wad -warp 01 -nomonsters -altdeath -dial # etc..
Or, just use deathmanager.
Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility for anything bad arising from this wad. I do however accept full responsibility for anything good achieved through this wad, such as finally reaching Nirvana or achieving extreme deathmatch climax, invoking in you, strong urges to send me lots of money.
Requirements: DOOM2 Hell on Earth version 1.9
Map #: Map 01
Single Player: YES! Best on skill 4
Cooperative 2-4 Player: YES! Best on skill 4
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: YES! YES! YEEESS!
Difficulty Settings: Somewhat Implemented. A slight difference between skill 3 and 4 :)
New Sounds: Just the one's you'll hear yourself making as you play!
New Graphics: Nope Sorry ;(
Demos Replaced: None
Demos included: awesmdth.lmp (Me wasting my friend)
Base: Original from scratch
Build Time: 10 Hours
Editor Used: Waded
Known Bugs: Uh?
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to create other levels.
Persons MAY distribute this wad, but only as is and with this text file.
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