Text File
Title : Frag o' Mania - a DeathMatch WAD for Doom1
File Name : frag_o.wad
Author : Kevin Worrel
Email Address : wvxw56c@prodigy.com
Misc. Author Info : Got 109 frags on this level in 30 min. playing w/
2 other people who got 62 and 46 frags.
Description : A circular arena with 4 raised areas accessible by
stairs in the center of the arena. On the out-
skirts of the arena, are 4 watch towers with outer
"ready rooms" where players start. The raised
areas also have hidden alcoves where former human
snipers covered with vines start out. On the +
side, after you kill the former humans you can use
the alcoves to hide yourself and possibly find a
little goodie behind the back wall! Try using
-respawn to make it a little more interesting.
I have, though, included a response file with the
params that this wad was meant to be played
with: fragoprm.txt
Additional Credits to : Jason Worrel, David Lee, and Chirag Vithlani for
play testing. Jason Worrel also for the awesome
sky light idea. And of course the guys at ID
for a great kick ass game!
* Play Information *
Maps Replaced : E1M1
Single Player : yes (just to scout out the layout, powerups removed)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : yes (pointless though, not tested for this reason)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yes <-------MOST DEFINITELY!!!!!!
Difficulty Settings : no
New Sounds : no
New Graphics : no
New Music : I like the original music!
Demos Replaced : none
* Construction *
Base : scratch
Build Time : 1 Week; + or - a year
Editor(s) used : *DCK v2.2-f* <----Best editor I've used!
BSP Node Builder v1.2x
Known Bugs : none known.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base for another level provided I get
some credit. I would, though, appreciate being sent the product of any
modifications to the level.
You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
Ftp : ftp.cdrom.com
Other : Me!