Text File
Filename :MR-SILLY.WAD
Authors :Bloodngore, Richard, David
Description : We were sitting around together one Christmas
Eve day and thought to ourselves "Let's make a
doom 2 patch WAD with some wacky homemade sounds
of our own. NOTE: These sounds are authentic and
homemade. Not a single one of these sounds was
taken from some type of multimedia thingie.
List of sounds
Player Hurt- Hi gong
Die- A faggy death
Die 2- Fat cheeks mumble
Tele Port- Little indian chant
Slop Slop- My wonderful chewing sound.
Switch Up- cough
Down- "rrreeeaaap!"
Elev. Start- Mike saying "Yay!"
Stop- Mike saying "AH!"
Moving- Mike in sadness
Weapon Pickup- "Pass me the ammunition."
Door Open- An upward tune
Close- A downward tune
Open quick- Chipmunk tune
Close quick- Chipmunk tune
Troops Spot 1- Rich using his Mr. Anderson accent
Spot 2- "All right goodnight, guys!"
Spot 3- Rich using his father accent from "Life with Louie"
Search- Same accent as before, but mumbling to self
Die 1- Me doing a wierd moan
Die 2- David's "E-EEEE!"
Die 3- "Boobs!" (I just thought that needed to be there)
Imps Spot 1- My Cookie Monster voice
Spot 2- Mr. McVicker
Search- David's little giggle.
Die 1- Rich's strange screech that only he can do
Die 2- Anderson voice on an answering machine
Hurt- Gong (or a hit in the head)
Demon Spot- Me sayin' "I will shoot you in the head!"
Search- Quiet wind
Hurt- Julie's "Dah!"
Die- Me sain' "My hand hurtz!"
B.O.H Spot- I like the original sound
Die- I like this original sound too
H.K. Spot- "The store is closed. Go home!"
Die- "Attention, everyone, my legs gave out and I'm falling down!"
Cacs Spot- Spit sucking
Die- Yum!
Lost S. Zoom- "OOH!"
Fball Shoot- I have no idea what it is
Xplode- Fireworks bang
Punch Punch- "Whack, AH!"
Pistol Fire- Little pop
Shot G. Fire- Big ding
Saw Start- Me drummin' my lips
Idle- Me drummin' my lips again
Fire- I'm not sure what it is
Hit- Microphone sucking sound
Item Pickup- You slurp it down
Rocket Fire- A bathroom sound
Plasma Fire- Mike being fried with 20,000 volts (not really)
BFG Fire- Me gurgling my spit
Xplode- Me gurgling my spit for a second time
Arch V. Spot- It's fine
Fire- Rich saying "My pants are on fire!"
Search- Richard's beat
Hurt- It's fine
Die- It's fine
Barrel Xplode- Mike being blown to smitherenes!
Flame Flame- ???
Cyber Spot- I like the original one
Hoof- Squash
Metal- Boom
Die- A stupid explosion
@Copyright stuff
Distribute this in it's original .ZIP format.
You may use these sounds anywhere you choose to. You don't
have to give me credit, but don't take credit for yourself, cause
you didn't make these sounds. If you take credit for these sounds,
I will use my psychic mind powers to rip your tongue from your
throat, or some other bodily part.
Where to get some of my other WAD's
The Wall - (214) 286-8291
Look for these --
MAFIA.ZIP - Cool cityscape
XENON.ZIP - Big maze
TERRORS.ZIP - 3-level deathmatch
HERMS2.ZIP - I took the sounds from Herman Doom and put them in a WAD
LUSTER.ZIP - Cool palace WAD
HOCKEYME.ZIP - Doom2 deathtag, hockey with a human puck
CYBRA1.ZIP - Where the blood runs freely
Bloodngore -96