Text File
Title : DeathWorld II: Fragland
Date Finished : 4/28/96
Author : Tom J. McClure
Email Address : thomasm@server.berkeley.edu
Other Files By Author : tjm_haus.wad, dethwrld.wad
Misc. Author Info : http://server.berkeley.edu/~thomasm/
Description : Another highly addictive deathmatch level :>
DeathWorld II! Created in honor of the new
four-way network we are now enjoying at
Casa Rico Suave. Fantasy-land theme: ledges,
pools, waterfalls, dank tunnels, quake-style
teleports. Good mix of wide-open spaces and
tight squeezes. Many escape routes.
Single-barrel at (almost) all starts. Access
to better weapons always with its penalties...
Watch your back... I didn't call it FRAGland
for nothin'!
Additional Credits to : http://www.eden.com/~genesisk,
author of Damage (from which I stole the anti-
aircraft chaingun and a badass teleport sound)
* Type of DOOM II file*
New level WAD : Yes
* Play Information *
Map # : Map01
Single Player : Maybe to look around
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yes Yes YES (not too big for 2)
Difficulty Settings : Easy: no plasma, bfg
Normal: all weapons
Hard: no single-barrel to start
New Sounds : Pistol/Chaingun, Teleport
New Music : No
New Graphics : Blue Hurricane Sky
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Two months
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.3, 3.4, WinTex 4.2
Known Bugs : Some flicker near circular sky holes in 1.666
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/newstuff/tjm_land.zip, then
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/oldnewstuff/tjm_land.zip, then
or just head to: