Text File
Title : GladTag!
Author : Glacius (SysOp of the Oracle BBS)
Email Address : glacius@oraclebbs.com
Additional notes : This wad has been my "crowning" achievement I think
and I also believe that you would do good to give it
a shot. Please, please, please leave me mail on
comments and such. There are no known errors in
this level.
Other PWADS by Author : |File name |ver |errors
|Too many! |none |Come to my BBS, they are all
| | |on it for you to peruse at
| | |leisure.
Description : Deathtag only better, or at least thats what
i think. Pretty good, with a central place with
tons of weapons, and two sides, and an easy to
understand setup.
Credits : |Name |Reason/work
|Aikman & |for coming up with the
| Talon |Deathtag concept.
|Carnage |Playtesting
|Thresh |Playtesting
|id |for (ofcourse) creating DooM.
|_____ _______ _____ _____--=Play Information=--________ ____ _____ ____ ______|
|Map |single |Coop |DMatch |DTag 2 |DTag 4 |skill |DR |snds |mus |gfx |demos |
|01 |Hell no|Noway|Yes |No |Yes |no dif|10 |YES |YES |YES |No |
dtag 2 - deathtag with 2 players
dtag 4 - deathtag with 4 players
dmatch - deathmatch
DR - difficulty rating. no matter what skill we put, each level
in itself has it's own difficulty. the number ranges from 1-30,
telling which level i would recomend it for.. (30+ is TOO hard >;D )
|_____ ___________ _________--=Construction=--____________ __________ _________|
|Map |base & % |art work |music work |building |fixing |Blending |Total tm |
|01 |Original |0.5 hr |0.5 hr |80 hours |10.0 hr|10.0 hr |100 hours|
| |concept | | | | | | |
base & % - what was the level used to create the map (if any) and how much
was used in percentage
art/music/building/fixing - how long it took me.
hr - hours (in decimal)
total tm - the total amount of time in construction
Blending - Getting everything put together [ie: adding graphics to the levels]
Editor(s) used : Waded 1.83, New Wad Tool 1.3,
Tool(s) used :
* Copyright / Permissions *
Distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc). I ask that it not be edited in any way shape or form unless
I am notified by email. It is available should a compilation disk or
such be made. I only ask of notification when and if this is done so!
Thanks and enjoy!!
I would love to thank the maker of the glass texture in this wad
but I know not who he is!! I got it from a wad entitled SPACE.WAD. If
you know who made this texture please let me know so that I may thank him!
* Where to get this WAD *
bbs name number location sysop(s)
The Oracle BBS (86o)870-1720 Ellington, CT Glacius and Carnage
telnet: oraclebbs.com