Text File
Title : XAOS ver. 1.3
Date Finished : 5/15/1996
Author : John Bly
Email Address : worlow4@fastlane.net
Description : A 10 level replacement for DOOM II with more
probably on the way.
* Play Information *
Levels Replaced : Maps 01-10
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Er, no. That's not the point.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Er, not right now. Maybe later.
Difficulty Settings : Ultraviolence only (and Nightmare I suppose.)
If you play below UV, you should move up.
New Sounds : No
New Music : Selections from DOOM and DOOM II
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None, didn't bother.
* Construction *
Base : Maps 1-5, 7-9 from scratch
Map 6 based on "Hall of the Beast Tamers" AD&D map
in the Forgotten Realms 1st ed. boxed set.
Map 10 is an adaptation of E1M1 from Duke Nukem 3D,
but is not meant to be exact. From scratch.
Build Time : A while.
Editor(s) used : Doom Construction Kit ver. 2.2 from Zerius
Development and the New Wad Tool for DOOM, DOOM II
and Heretic by TiC.
Known Bugs : None of importance, a few lines dropping from
the ceiling in a few places which aren't very
May Not Run With... : A TRS-80 :)
Level Titles...
1. Evil Headquarters
2. The Manor
3. Demon Lab
4. Dead Simple
5. Power Outtage (or Tricks and Traps)
6. Myth Drannor
7. Die Hard
8. The Island
9. Hades
10. Duke Nukem 2D
This WAD is meant to be played without cheating and everything can be done
perfectly fairly, though in my experience it's not always easy. Saving your
game regularly is very useful as is conserving ammunition, which begins to
become very scarce as time goes on, so hold your shots even from the beginning.
The level design is, in my opinion, much better than average but not always
perfect (it does get better after level 1.) From the very start, when you
see the Baron of Hell in level 1, you should know that things don't start
with just some little soldier guys and maybe an imp or two. Things become
much harder as the levels progress, but expect to see every monster in DOOM II
in the very first level as well as most weapons and powerups.
Others may not use these levels as the basis from which to design new ones,
but they may be freely distributed as long as they are kept together and
unmodified from their original form. You can do what you want with this
text file.